
Showing posts from February, 2023

⛪ ✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The tiredless Holy Faith [Hebrews 11:38] ⛪ ✝️

Special Notes :- Through Holy Faith, Prophets were tiredless in his holy journey. Due to his holy faith, They wandered in the desert, They wandered in the mountains, They wandered in the dens and They wandered in the caves of the Earth But They never left their holy faith, They never left their trusts in Holy Faith, Even though Sufferings made them more strong in the holy faith. They were receiving the God's Instructions during the Difficult Time. During Difficult Time, God was saving the Holy Prophets. During Difficult Time after crossing the Red Sea, Father God rained the Holy Bread for Israelites. During Difficult Time, Father God fed the Prophet Moses. During Difficult Time, Father God fed the Jews. Holy Faith fed the Prophets. During Difficult Time, Father God saved the Prophet Daniel in the Lion's Den. During Difficult Time, Father God rescued the saved the Hebrew People. During Difficult Time, Prophet Moses parted the Red Sea through the help of Holy Father God, Impossib...

✝️⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Evil Persecution [Hebrews 11:37]✝️⛪

Special Notes :- Persecution only hurts the Body But He is unable to hurt spirit. Evil Persons believe in the Evil teachings and reject the Virtuous teachings. Evil Teachings persecute the virtuous teachings. Evil Teachings are blind and reject virtuousness. Evil Teachings worship the Evil God, Although Evil Humans spread the Evil Teachings because They are blinded by the Evil Teachings and Evil Magic of the Evil Teachings. Evil Teachings are useless in front of the Difficult Time. Evil God is useless in front of the Difficult Time, because Evil God is unable to protect his followers. Virtuous Persons stand firm in front of the Difficult Time because Holy Father God is the Protector of the Virtuous Persons. Father God protected Adam and Adam's Sons. Evil Brother killed his virtuous brother due to Envy But He was unable to kill his brother's Virtuous Spirit because His Brother's Spirit went to heaven. Abel was the Virtuous Brother of Cain and Cain was the Evil Brother. Cain ...

⛪ ✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Sufferings [Hebrews 11:36]✝️⛪

Special Notes :- Earthly Life is the full of sorrows. There are no discriminations in Sorrows. Every Persons do experience sorrows. Mighty Kings experienced sorrows and Prophets experienced sorrows. Positive Energy of Positive thoughts guide the persons towards virtuousness.  Evil Energy of the Evil thoughts guide the persons towards evilness. Evil Persons persecute the virtuous persons. There are many reasons of Sorrows in the Earthly Life. Time creates sorrows. Evil People creates the sorrows for the virtuous persons by their evil conspiracies, They persecute the Virtuous Persons due to their evil nature and their evil envies. They mocked the Holy Virtuous Persons, They tried to destroy the Virtuous Persons But They could not destroy the Holy Virtuous Persons because Father God was his saviour. Evil Persons prosecute the Holy Virtuous Persons But Difficult Time of the God's Justice gives justice to Holy Virtuous Persons and Difficult Time of the God's Justice destroys the Evi...