⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Resistance against Sin [Hebrews 12:4]⛪✝️
Special Notes :- Virtue and Sin are enemy to each other. Virtue opposes the Sin and Sin opposes the Virtue. Sinnners are the Slave of Sin. Due to Slavery of Sin, Sinners reject the Truth. Due to Slavery of Sins, Sinners reject the Virtuousness. Holy Words created Virtue and Virtue created the Virtuous Words. Sin created the Sinful Words. Holy Words make person's mind virtuous. Evil Words make person's mind sinner. There are two types of thoughts in the person's mind, 1) Virtuous Thoughts 2) Evil Thoughts Virtuous thoughts oppose the Evil thoughts and Evil thoughts oppose the Virtuous thoughts. Virtuous thoughts guide the persons towards Virtuous actions. Evil thoughts guide the persons towards evil actions. Sin is the offense against the God's Words. Sin is the offense against the God's Rule and God's Law. Sin is the offense against love and mercy. Sin is the offense against holiness. Sin is the offense against innocent. Sin is the offense against society a...