Saturday, August 24, 2024

⛪✝️➕ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The worship of the divine father [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 15] ⛪✝️➕

⛪✝️➕ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The worship of the divine father [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 15] ⛪✝️➕

Special Notes :- Father God is unborn. He has neither father nor mother. When There was nothing in the universe that time father god was. When There was nothing in the existence that time Father God was in the existence. Father God himself is the divine time. Father God is himself the Supreme divine truth so Spirit of God is called the Spirit of Truth. Father God is the creator of the water and the air. Father God is himself the Supreme Holy divine light and By his light, He created the sun ☀. Divine light resides in the Spirit of God. Divine Time and Divine Truth reside in the Spirit of Truth. Lord Jesus Christ was unborn, Holy Spirit produced the unborn Lord Jesus Christ through the womb of Virgin Mary and Mother Mary was virgin and she was still virgin after the birth of Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ  So Lord Jesus Christ had neither father nor mother. Joseph and Mary adopted and accepted the Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ and They nourished the child Jesus Christ. There were no father and no mother of Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was unborn. God the Holy Spirit was the father of Lord Jesus Christ  and God the  Holy Spirit was the mother of Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ . Spirit of God was the father of Lord Jesus Christ and Spirit of God was the mother of Lord Jesus Christ. Spirit of God produced the Holy Spirit. Spirit of God and Holy Spirit both are one. Through the Holy Spirit, Father God produced the Lord Jesus Christ. God was the father of Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ and Holy Spirit was the mother of Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the born of Spirit. No power defiled the Virgin Mary. Birth of Lord Jesus Christ was the Virgin Birth. Although Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was in the Womb of Virgin Mary but Mary was virgin that time. This was the power of Lord our God which produced the unborn Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ through the womb of Virgin Mary by the medium of holy spirit. Birth of Lord Jesus Christ was the miraculous birth. The Divine Father is one who never takes birth from woman. There is the divine birth of the divine father. God is our divine father, Holy Spirit is our divine father and God the son Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ of heaven is our divine father. So Holy Trinity is one holy eternal divine father. Holy Divine Father is one, not three. There are purity and holiness in the divine power. Divine Powers do not defile themselves and divine Powers neither defiled themselves nor defiled the virgin mary so Divine Power produced the Lord Jesus Christ through the Virgin Womb without defiling the Virgin Mary. God the Father is the divine power, God the Son Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the divine power and God the Son Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ of heaven is the divine power  and God the Holy Spirit is the divine power. Divine Powers spread the virtuous thoughts and virtuous words among the people of World.  So Worship the Holy Trinity. 
Jesus said, "When you see the one who wasn't born of a woman, fall down on your face and worship that person.That's your Father."

⛪✝️➕ [The Gospel of Thomas] Saying 15 ⛪✝️➕

Saying 15: Worship

Jesus said, "When you see the one who wasn't born of a woman, fall down on your face and worship that person.That's your Father."
⛪✝️➕ The Gospel of Phillip [Virgin Birth]

⛪✝️➕[The Virgin Birth]⛪✝️➕

Some say that Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit. They're wrong; they dont know what they're saying. When did a woman ever conceive by a woman? Mary is the virgin whom no power defiled is the great testimony of those Hebrews who became (the first) apostles and (the) apostolic (successors). The virgin whom no power defiled [...] the powers defiled themselves.

And the Lord [wouldn't] have said, my [Father who is in] heaven unless [he] had another father. Instead, he would simply have said [my Father.] The Lord said to the [disciples, ...] [from] every [house] and bring into the Father's house, but don't steal (anything) from the Father's house or carry it away.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

➕⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Mighty Power of the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words [Hebrews 12:19]⛪✝️➕

➕⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Mighty Power of the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words [Hebrews 12:19]⛪✝️➕

Special Notes :- Creator of the divine words himself reside in the divine words. So The Sound of a trumpets and the voice of words destroyed the Jericho Wall. Divine words make holy words perfect and Divine Words make holy words perfect. The Promise of the God controls the Time and There are the omniscient power of our god in the divine words. The Sounds of Trumpets 🎺 demolished the Jericho Wall. There were holy actions of the holy words in the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words. Even Massive Jericho Wall which was made by the Stones, unable to stand in front of the Power of the omniscient Power of God. The Sound of trumpets 🎺 and voice of words were destructive for the Kingdom of Jericho. In God's Guidance, Prophet Joshua conquered the Kingdom of Jericho. Sounds of Trumpets and Voice of words created the fear among people which knew the mighty story of the sounds of trumpets. Enemies of Israelites trembled with fear which knew this story. When Jericho Wall fell down, then Israelites massacred every people of Jericho except Rahab and her family. 
So Our Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the greatest prophets among all prophets which spread love and mercy among people. By His holy divine love and his holy divine mercy, Our Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ healed the persons and cured many diseases. The Divine Prophet Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ said that love your enemies, His divine forgiveness forgave his enemies. On his holy cross, our lord was submitting the request of forgiveness to father god for his enemies. God of our Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the most gentle God. God of our Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was greater than the God of old testament. God of our Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the most merciful god which forgave the sinners those who came in the refuge of Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Spirit of Truth himself was in the Spirit of Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ So Holy Divine words of the Lord Jesus Christ were greater than the holy words of the Prophet Moses, Prophet Abraham and King David and Holy Divine miracles of the Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ were the greater than the miracles of the Prophet Moses, Prophet Abraham and Prophet Daniel. God of our Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the True God. God of our Lord Jesus Christ of heaven is the True God. The Mighty Power of the Holy Divine voice of the Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the greater than the  powers of the 'sounds of trumpets and voice of words' of old testament. People did not like the sounds of trumpets but They liked the healer holy voice of the Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. 

⛪✝️➕[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]⛪✝
⛪✝️➕[Hebrews 12:19]⛪✝️➕
19. And the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words, which they that heard excused themselves, that the word might not be spoken to them:

⛪✝️➕[Catholic Study Bible App]⛪✝️
⛪✝️➕[Hebrews 12:19]⛪✝️➕
19 and the sound of a trumpet, and a voice whose words made the hearers entreat that no further messages be spoken to them.
[Hebrews 12:19 RSV-CE]


Sunday, August 4, 2024

⛪✝️➕[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Refuge in the Eternal Living God [Hebrews 12:18]⛪✝️➕

⛪✝️➕[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Refuge in the Eternal Living God [Hebrews 12:18]⛪✝️➕

Special Notes :- God of our Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is the Most High God, He is like a eternal living endless mountain, His length is endless, His Breadth is endless and His Height is endless. Nobody can touch that mountain. The Divine Fire of the Father God enlightens the Universe and World So Father God is the divine fire, not burning fire.  Water can put out the burning fire but water is unable to put out the divine fire 🔥. No body can put out the divine fire 🔥. Divine Fire 🔥 is Eternal. Spirit of Truth controls everything. Spirit of Truth controls the Spirits, wind and Storm. Spirit of Truth controls the Time and the Death. Spirit of Truth Father God is beyond any  Spirits Because Father God is called the Supreme Spirit and Supreme Spirit is the Supreme among all spirits. God is beyond any mountains because Father God himself created the mountains. God is beyond the burning fire 🔥 because Father God is like the eternal holy divine fire 🔥 which created the Sun ☀. Eternal holy divine light of the Eternal holy divine fire 🔥 enlightens the heavens. God is beyond the whirlwind because God is the creator of the whirlwind, Word of God controls the whirlwind. Divine light of the Father God removes the darkness. Darkness is the symbol of the negative energy and sins. Divine light eliminates the darkness. Father God created the Nature and Nature created the Storm, Word of God controls the Storms. 
Spirit of Truth resides on the eternal holy divine words. Spirit of Truth is the omnipresent. Spirit of Truth resides on the divine Time of the God. Spirit of Truth is the faster than light, air and sound. Spirit of Truth is the divine light of the heavens. Spirit of Truth is the cause of the every miracles because Spirit of Truth resides in the holy divine miracles, Spirit of Truth created the holy divine miracles. 
So Father God is not the mountain, the burning fire, whirlwind, darkness and Storm, He is beyond these things. Take refuge in the Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, He will forgive your sins, He will guide you through holy spirit, He will take care of you, He will give you eternal life, He will give you the eternal love, He will show the eternal holy mercy upon you, He is the most merciful and He is the most gentle. 
Gentleness has been perfected in the Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ of heaven. Piousness has been perfected in the Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ of heaven. Humility and humbleness have been perfected in the Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ of heaven. Life is incomplete without Lord Jesus Christ. Life is empty without the Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Goodness has been perfected in the Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ of heaven. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ of heaven is the divine gentleness, divine love, divine mercy, divine perfection, divine wisdom, divine Justice, divine humility and divine humbleness. Holy Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the son of God and the incarnation of God. There were divine words of God in the Holy Earthly Body of Lord Jesus Christ. Holy Earthly Body of Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was our holy church. Holy Resurrected Glorified Heavenly Body of the holy lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is our holy eternal church which conquered the death and Time, Gates of Hell and Hell can not prevail our holy church. 

⛪✝️➕[Douay Rheims Catholic Bible]⛪
⛪✝️➕[Hebrews 12:18]⛪✝️➕
18. For you are not come to a mountain that might be touched, and a burning fire, and a whirlwind, and darkness, and storm,

⛪✝️➕[Catholic Study Bible App]⛪✝️➕
⛪✝️➕[Hebrews 12:18]⛪✝️➕
18 For you have not come to what may be touched, a blazing fire, and darkness, and gloom, and a tempest, †
Hebrews 12:18 RSV-CE


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

➕⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Benediction [Hebrews 12:17]⛪✝️➕

➕⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Benediction [Hebrews 12:17]⛪✝️➕

Special Notes :- There are three types of Benediction. 1) The Divine Benediction 2) The Holy Benediction 3) The Simple Benediction. 
Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Spirit, Which had been called Father God by Our Lord Jesus Christ, produced the Divine Benediction. The Divine Benediction blessed the Holy People and Holy People performed the Miracles. The Divine Benediction is always one. The Benediction of the Father God is called the Divine Benediction, The Benediction of the Lord Jesus Christ is called the Divine Benediction and The Benediction of the Holy Spirit is called the Divine Benediction. The Benediction of the Holy Trinity is always one, not three. Because Three Persons are in one Person and One Person is in the three Persons. The Divine Benediction controls the Time and Spirit. There is salvation in the Divine Benediction. There is the eternal life of heaven in the Divine Benediction. There are the forgiveness of Sins in the Divine Benediction. There are the holy divine words in the divine benediction. Divine Benediction is the Divine Words. Divine Words created the Divine Benediction. 
When Benediction comes through the Holy Person then it is called the Holy Benediction, Holy Benediction of the Holy Person saves the persons and guides the persons towards holiness and purity. There are the powers of the holy words in the holy benediction. Holy Benediction is unable to forgive the persons for their sins. 
There is no power in the Simple Benediction. Simple Benediction is the Simple. Simple Benediction is the Mortal. 
Every Human does errors in his life. Some does horrific errors and Some does little errors and average errors. Esau was a human, But his error was horrific because He rejected the God's rules and God's law, He rejected the God. But when he desired to inherit the benediction, he was rejected; for he found no place of repentance, although with tears he had sought it.
But Our Lord Jesus Christ is the endless ocean of the unlimited mercy, Heavenly Lord forgives the every sinners. No Sins are unforgivable in front of Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. God of our Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is the Gentle merciful God, who forgives the every sinners. God the Father and God the Son convert the hearts of the persons. God the Father and God the Son convert the minds of the persons and forgive the persons. When Persons confess their sins and repent for their sins. After Confessions and Repentance, When Persons submit their requests for the forgiveness of sins by Prayers, Then God the Father and God the Son forgive the Persons. 

✝️⛪[Douay Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️⛪
⛪✝️➕[Hebrews 12:17]⛪✝️➕
17. For know ye that afterwards, when he desired to inherit the benediction, he was rejected; for he found no place of repentance, although with tears he had sought it.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

⛪✝️➕[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The True Circumcision (The Circumcision of Spirit) [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 53] ⛪✝️➕

⛪✝️➕[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The True Circumcision (The Circumcision of Spirit) [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 53] ⛪✝️➕

Special Notes :- No Humans are Perfect due to their changing human nature. Humans do errors, It is universal truth. In their imperfect errorful human natures, Humans created their traditions, their rules of living and their law. We are in the protection of our gentle god. Gentle God does not harm the Persons but He saves the persons. God's Grace is our saviour.
According to Old Testament, God made the special covenant with Prophet Abraham and his sons then Circumcision tradition came in existence. 
Circumcision Tradition was the cruel tradition. In this circumcision tradition, People were removing the little upper foreskin of penis of the newly born male baby and male person, This Process was the full of pain and the bloody process. In Old Testament, Jewish God was the wrathful God. Merciful God does not make this type of special covenant. According to my point of view, Prophet Abraham was in the communication with an angel. An Angel was guiding and saving the Prophet Abraham. Purity of Heart is greater than all sacrifices and all traditions. Without Purity of heart and Purity of Character, Circumcision is useless. Lord Jesus Christ rejected the circumcision tradition of the Jews and criticised this Practice. Newly born male Children beared the horrific pain of Circumcision. There were innocent cries of the innocent children in the Circumcision Practice. Circumcision is the symbol of the cruel action. Children are the gift of God, No Parents receive the Circumcised children after the birth of children because God does not circumcise the children neither in womb nor out of wonb, It means that God does not allow circumcision neither in womb nor out of womb. Holy Spirit was the father of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, Unborn Child Lord Jesus Christ had not been circumcised neither in womb nor out of womb by God. Although God did not circumcise the Lord Jesus Christ but Mortal Jewish Tradition forcefully circumcised the Child Jesus. 
When Disciples of Lord Jesus Christ asked to Lord Jesus Christ about Circcumcision Tradition "Is circumcision useful, or not?"
Lord said to them, "If it were useful, parents would have children who are born circumcised. But the true circumcision in spirit has become profitable in every way."
Circumcision is useless,There is true circumcision in the Spirit. Circumcise your Spirit by the Holy Divine Words. True Circumcision in Spirit is profitable in every way. Due to Bad Actions, Souls fall in the horrible hell. Due to Good Actions, Spirit goes to heaven So Implement the holy words of the Lord Jesus Christ in your life. 
Circumcision in Spirit removes the sins from Spirit. Circumcision of Spirit makes Spirit virtuous, holy and pure. Circumcision of Spirit purifies the Spirit. Circumcision of Spirit removes the evil thoughts from the human mind. Holy Words circumcise the Spirit. Holy words remove the negative energies from the Spirit and Mind. Holy Discipline in the Holy Words of Lord Jesus Christ are our holy cross. Holy Discipline in the Holy Words of Lord Jesus Christ circumcise Our Spirits. Holy Spirit resides in the Circumcised Spirit. God's Grace resides in the Circumcised Spirit. Eternal life resides in the Circumcised Spirit. Circumcised Spirit is able to perform miracles.

⛪✝️➕The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 53 [True Circumcision]⛪✝️➕

⛪✝️➕[Saying 53: True Circumcision]⛪✝

His disciples said to him, "Is circumcision useful, or not?"
He said to them, "If it were useful, parents would have children who are born circumcised. But the true circumcision in spirit has become profitable in every way."

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

⛪✝️➕[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Blasphemy [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 44] ⛪✝️➕

Father God is the endless ocean of the Unlimited Mercy, If you speak against father god and criticise to father god, He will forgive you and It would be forgiven by God, In other words, Your blasphemes against father god would be forgiven by father god through your confession, your repentence and your prayers. Lord Jesus Christ is the endless sea of the endless ocean of the Unlimited Mercy, If you speak against Lord Jesus Christ and criticise to Jesus Christ, He will forgive you and It would be forgiven by Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, Your blasphemes against Lord Jesus Christ would be forgiven by Jesus through your confession, your repentence and your prayers.
But Your blasphemes against Holy Spirit would not be forgiven neither on earth nor in heaven. In other words,  If you speak against holy spirit, It would not be forgiven because Holy Spirit guides us towards holy actions of the holy words. Holy Spirit makes us humble. Holy Spirit inserts holy love and holy mercy in our heart. Holy Spirit gives us the virtuous idea. Holy Spirit is our eternal friend. Holy Spirit guides us towards honesty and faithfulness. Holy Spirit gives us wisdom and understanding. Holy Spirit prohibited the evil thoughts and the evil actions. Holy Spirit removed the evil thoughts from Person's Mind. Without Holy Spirit, Persons are Sinner and Corrupt. Holy Spirit gives us the virtue of love. Virtue of love is the cause of the Virtue of Kindness. There is the eternal joy of the eternal life of heaven in the Virtue of Charity (Love) and Virtue of Mercy. Virtue of Love and Virtue of Mercy are the cause of the Virtue of Firgiveness. Virtue of Forgiveness is the cause of the Virtue of Peace. There is the Virtue of Patience in the Virtue of Peace. Virtue of Kindness is the cause of the Virtue of Goodness. Virtue of Goodness is the cause of the Virtue of Gentleness. Virtue of Kindness is the cause of the Virtue of generosity. Virtue of generosity is the cause of the Virtue of Modesty. Virtue of Modesty is the cause of the Virtue of faithfulness. Virtue of faithfulness is the cause of the Virtue of Chastity. Virtue of Chastity is the cause of the Virtue of self-control.
There are 12 fruits of the holy spirit , 
1.) Virtue of charity (love)
2.) Virtue of joy
3.) Virtue of peace
4.) Virtue of patience
5.) Virtue of kindness
6.) Virtue of goodness
7.) Virtue of generosity
8.) Virtue of gentleness
9.) Virtue of faithfulness
10.) Virtue of modesty
11.) Virtue of self-control
12.) Virtue of chastity
There are 7 gifts of the holy spirit:-
wisdom, understanding, counsel (guidance), fortitude (Courage), knowledge, piety (Love and Serve God), and fear of God (Respect God and follow the God's words).
Holy Spirit guides us towards the holy words of the Lord Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit guides us towards the way of heaven.

[The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 44] ⛪✝️➕

Saying 44: Blasphemy

Jesus said, "Whoever blasphemes the Father will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes the Son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, neither on earth nor in heaven."