Sunday, October 6, 2024

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The City of the Living God [Hebrews 12:22]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The City of the Living God [Hebrews 12:22]⛪✝️

Special Notes :- In the City of the Living God, Son of God performed miracles. He restored the sight of blind man and restored the legs of the lame man in the city of Jerusalem. On the Mount Sinai, Prophet Moses received the ten commandments by an angel. On the Mount Sinai, Angel appread as the holy fire in front of the Prophet Moses and talked to Prophet Moses. But Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the greatest among all prophets. His divine words raised the dead. His divine words performed unbelievable impossible miracles. His divine words made impossible possible. There were powers in the Holy rod of the Prophet Moses. By his words with Holy Rod of God, Prophet Moses parted the Red Sea. There was the God's Grace in the Holy Rod of the Holy Prophet Moses. The Words of Prophet Moses became miraculous with the Holy Rod. But Spirit of truth himself was residing on the Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Spirit of Truth himself was residing in the Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. 
Jerusalem was the capital of the King David. Jerusalem was the capital of the King Solomon. In his Capital, King David composed Psalms. King David was in the God's Grace and He was in the protection of the God. His Graceful Spirit chose Jerusalem as Capital where He united the all Jewish tribes. In this same city, Jesus Christ performed miracles. 
In the City of King David, Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ gave the sight to the blind man by applying wet clay on the eyes of blind man, Spirit of the Creator God was in the Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. In the Same City, Blind Man wished to see the holy city of Jerusalem But He did not have sight, He came in the refuge of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ and Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the desire of the Blind man and restored the sight of the Blind man. In the Same City, Lame man wished to walk in this holy city but He did not have ability to walk due to diseases and weak legs then He came in the refuge of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ and Lord Jesus Christ restored the legs of the lame man and cured the disease by his divine words. Miracles of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ showed that Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the real heir of the Kingdom of Israel and Kingdom of Jerusalem. Lord Jesus Christ was the divine king of the Jerusalem.
In the Psalms of King David, Mount Zion is called the holy mountain where God of Israel Yahweh resides. On this same mountain, God of Israel tested Prophet Abraham and Prophet Abraham bound his beloved son Isaac for holy sacrifice. On this same mountain, Prophet Abraham sacrificed a sheep on place of his son Isaac as per god's order. On this same place, King David sacrificed an animal for the forgiveness of his sins. King of Mount Zion was himself the God where He had installed the King David.
There was the God of divine mercy in the Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. In the city of living god, Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ raised the dead. Divine Life was giving life to the people by his holy son Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. So Lord Jesus Christ was the divine king of the Jerusalem. God had installed the divine king Lord Jesus Christ in the Israel. 

⛪✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️
⛪✝️[Hebrews 12:22]⛪✝️
22. But you are come to mount Sion, and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to the company of many thousands of angels,

⛪✝️[Catholic Study Bible App]⛪✝️
22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering,
⛪✝️[Hebrews 12:22] [RSV-CE]⛪✝️

Saturday, October 5, 2024

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Workers for the harvest [The Gospel of Thomas, saying 73]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Workers for the harvest [The Gospel of Thomas, saying 73]⛪✝️

Special Notes :- When grain is produced on huge amount of land then this process requires huge number of workers for planting seeds and harvesting. With few workers, Harvesting process is very difficult because it consumes too many times and many days. The Holy Kingdom of the Holy God is like planted seeds. For harvesting the holy crops of the holy grains of the planted seeds, Workers are few. Holy Kingdom of God resides in the Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Holy words purify the Spirits and  guide them towards the holy virtuous actions and the God's Grace. Holy words are the planted seeds on the fertile soil who produce the holy actions and holy actions are the holy virtues, Grains are the holy virtues. 
There are disciplines in the Holy virtuous actions So Holy Virtuous actions are the way of the Holy Cross. So Most of the Persons do not follow the holy virtuous actions, they reject the Holy truth and believe on the false words of sins and false teachings. There are attractions in the easy way of sins so most of the persons follow the way of sins and reject the way of virtue. Pleasure of Sins are temporary and There are permament sorrows in the Pleasure of Sins. Holy Virtuous actions are the way of the eternal life of heaven. Holy Virtuous actions are the implementation of the Holy virtuous words. Without Holy Virtuous Actions, There is no forgiveness of sins. Confession is the symbol of truth. Repentance means that you feel yourself guilty for sins and you will never commit that sin again, from now you will follow the holy words of the Lord and do virtuous actions. By Prayers, you submit your requests to god for the forgiveness of sins and for getting 'the God's love, the God's mercy and the God's Grace'. God fulfills your desires by your prayers. Lord Jesus Christ planted the seeds of grains in the holy land by his words and he needed workers for harvest. Harvest is the symbol of the holy virtuous actions. Workers of the Holy words can reach to heavens only by the holy actions. Grains of the Holy words are like the holy fruit of heaven. Distribute these grains in the whole world. Spread the holy words of lord in the whole world. Holy grain is the symbol of the holy virtuous fruit of the holy words. There is the holy positive energy in the holy grains of the holy words. Holy Positive Energy is the cause of the Holy virtuous actions and Holy Positive Energy removes the errors of thoughts from the human mind. 
When Difficult Time falls on the Sinners then Sinners leave their sins and turn towards God and Holy Grain and after this, These Persons become the workers for the harvesting the holy crops. God turns the heart and the mind of the persons towards harvesting the holy crops. Then Persons turn towards the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Kingdom of God. Without God, You can not change the heart of the persons. Without God, Mission is impossible. God makes mission possible. God is the better missionary than Person. If Workers are ready to accept Job for harvesting the Holy crops then They will do harvest the holy crops. God changes the 'heart and mind' of the persons. Difficult Time breaks the persons and Then Persons are ready to accept the holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Difficult Time breaks the sinners then Sinners leave their sins and turn towards God by their confessions, their repentance and their prayers. Difficult Time breaks the heart and hurts the mind. Difficult Time is the hard and very tough. 
Lord Jesus Christ said " 
The harvest really is plentiful, but the workers are few. So pray that the Lord will send workers to the harvest."

⛪✝️[The Gospel of Thomas,Saying 73]⛪

✝️⛪[Saying 73] ⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Saying 73: Workers for the Harvest]✝

Jesus said, "The harvest really is plentiful, but the workers are few. So pray that the Lord will send workers to the harvest."

Sunday, September 29, 2024

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Fasting and Sabbath [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 27]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Fasting and Sabbath [The Gospel of Thomas,Saying 27]⛪✝️

Special Notes :- World is the game of illusion. There are greed, selfishness, lust, violence and evil conspiracies in the world. So Lord Jesus Christ said "fast from the world." There are traps of sins in the world. Greed traps you and leads you to hell. Lust traps you in the world and you destroy yourself in the evil love of Lust. There are illusions in the sins of the world and Sins of world trap you. Illusion of sins trap you in the anger and violence. Greed is the cause of the selfishness. Evil thoughts trap you in the illusions of sins. Greed of Money traps you in the evil actions, profit, loss and violence. Sins traps your mind and your spirit. 
So Fast from Greed, Fast from the Sins, Fast from the lust and Fast from the temporary pleasure of the worldly things. There are temporary pleasure and permanent sorrows in the worldly things. One Sin produces the another sins. On Sabbath day, Father God rested. Do Spiritual rest on the Sabbath day. Do the holy virtuous actions on the Sabbath day. Give holy charity on the Sabbath day. Donot do evil actions on the Sabbath day. Do not speak evil words on the Sabbath day. Rest your body on the Sabbath day. Rest your spirit on the Sabbath day. Rest your tongue on the Sabbath day. Rest your eyes on the Sabbath day. Rest your ears on the Sabbath day. Rest your mind on the Sabbath day. Rest your hands and your feets on the Sabbath day. On Sabbath day, Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ healed the Persons So Perform holy actions on the Sabbath day. 
Give rest to your eyes. Give rest to your hand and your legs. Give rest to your mind. Give rest to your spirit. If your eyes are causing the Sins then Pluck out Sins from your eyes. If your hands are causing the sins then break the sins from your hands. Follow the holy words daily, take up your holy cross daily and abstain from Sins. Holy Cross is the symbol of discipline. Live in Holy Discipline and See the virtuous words and virtuous pictures. See and read the holy words. Give rest yourself on the Sabbath day then you will be able to see the Father God in the heaven. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ of heaven is himself the divine salvation. There was the powers of the divine spirit in the human spirit of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Although There was not the omniscient power in the Spirit of Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ But There were the powers of the divine prophecies of holy divine words in the Spirit of Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Jesus Christ was the incarnation of the Holy divine word. Power of the Spirit of truth was residing on the Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Word 'Jesus the Nazarene Christ' is himself the Salvation. Word 'Jesus the Nazarene Christ' is himself the divine word. Recite the word 'Jesus Christ' and 'Jesus the Nazarene Christ' because These words will purify your mind. 'Jesus' means 'God is Salvation'. There is saviour god in the word 'Jesus'. Rest in Peace with the Holy words of Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, You will receive the God's Grace and eternal life. Sabbath is the day of Holy Rest. On this holy day, Lord Jesus Christ performed miracles. 
Jesus Said "If you don't fast from the world, you won't find the kingdom.If you don't make the Sabbath into a Sabbath, you won't see the Father."
Love your brothers. Help your brothers and your sisters. God is himself the divine mercy. Lord is himself the divine mercy. There is the divine truth in the divine mercy. Divine love is the cause of the Divine Mercy. Love is the cause of the mercy and Mercy is the cause of the forgiveness. Love and Mercy are the summary of all commandments. No words are greater than Love and Mercy because God is himself the divine love and divine mercy. Love and Mercy produced the other virtuous words. In Holy Love, There are honesty and faithfulness. In Holy Mercy, There are charity, assistance and gentleness. Honesty speaks the Truth and There are fraud words in the falsehood. So Alway speak the truth. There are false words in the evil conspiracies. So fast from the worldly things and find the kingdom of God. 

⛪✝️[The Gospel of Thomas,Saying 27]✝️

⛪✝️[Saying 27]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Saying 27: Fasting and Sabbath]⛪✝

Jesus Said "If you don't fast from the world, you won't find the kingdom.If you don't make the Sabbath into a Sabbath, you won't see the Father."