✝️⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible]The Discovery of Truth [The Gospel of Thomas :2]✝️⛪

Special Notes :- Truth is Truth, Truth never dies, Truth is Unborn, Truth is conqueror, Nobody can change the Truth. No body can defeat the Truth and No body can destroy the truth. Truth is Immortal. No body created Truth and No body made Truth because Father God is himself the Truth. Truth is like the Light who removes the darkness. There are Holy Eternal True words in the Search of Truth. Spirit of Truth guided the Prophet Moses and Spirit of Truth guided the Prophet Abraham. If you are finding truth So Please find the true words of the Spirit of Truth. Truth is in the Spirit of Truth. Always Speak Truth, Never speak lie. Truth is Hard and Unacceptable But Truth is Truth. Spirit of Truth is the cause of Salvation. There is way of Heaven in the Salvation. There is virtuousness in the truth. There are  politeness and humility in the Truth. There are honesty and faithfulness in the Truth. There are eternity of eternal words in the Truth. There is trust in the truth. There is the value of Truth. There is discipline in the Truth. There is virtuousness in the Truth. There is dignity in the Truth. There is the belief in the Truth. Truthness inside the Spirit of Truth is the cause of the Holy True Faith. There is the Holy True Love in the Holy True Faith. The way of the Truth is the most difficult way but You will have to walk on the way of Truth. Lord Jesus Christ walked on the way of Truth and Envious People crucified the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus Christ. Holy way of the Holy Truth of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus Christ was the cause of the Resurrection of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus Christ. In the Holy way of the Holy Truth, There are Sufferings. The God's Grace conquers the Sufferings. There are miracles in the God's Grace. If anyone tries to find the way of heaven, He should not stop till findings. and When he finds he would be suffer, and if he is suffering then he would be amazed because He would see miracles of Father God and Then He would reign over the all by his miraculous powers. 
There is the Holy way of Heaven in the Holy Truth. There is the Holy Truth in the Holy Faith. In the Holy Faith of Blessed Holy Lord Jesus Christ, There was Holy Truth. But Prophet Abraham was not True Speaker, He spoke lie many times due to Fear So There were errors in the Holy Faith of the Prophet Abraham. Errors in Holy Faith were cause of the Sufferings of the Prophet Abraham, Father God also tested Prophet Abraham Although He made covenant with the Prophet Abraham and His generations through Circumcision tradition But There were Horrific Pain in the Circumcision Tradition. Prophet Abraham and His Generations tolerated horrific pains of Circumcision due to errors of Human Nature in their Faith. Holy Faith is based on the Holy Truth. That Holy Truth was in the Holy Faith of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus Christ. Due to False Words, Prophet Abraham faced difficulty of Tough Time in Egypt and Philistine and Due to False Words, Isaac faced difficulty of Tough Time in Philistine. Story of Prophet Abraham and Isaac teach lesson that Do not speak lie, Believe in God, Do not fear because Father God will save you. There is True Faith in the True Holy Words. Father God is the endless ocean of the Unlimited Mercy. Lord Jesus Christ was always stay with Truth and This was the cause of the Bodily Resurrection of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus Christ. Although Holy Lord Jesus Christ was in the danger in Israel But He never left truth because Spirit of Truth himself was in the Spirit of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus Christ. He spoke truth, He lived in the Truth and He died for Truth. Blessed Holy Lord Jesus Christ spoke truth fearlessly because Spirit of Truth made him courageous and Spirit of Truth made Jesus Christ strong. Spirit of God resides in the Holy Truth so Spirit of God is called the Spirit of Truth and Spirit of God is called the Divine Truth. 
Lord Jesus Christ said "He who seeks, let him not cease seeking until: finds; and when he finds he will be troubled, and if he is troubled, he will be amazed, and he will reign over the All."

The Gospel of Thomas 
(2) Jesus said: He who seeks, let him not cease seeking until: finds; and when he finds he will be troubled, and if he is troubled, he will be amazed, and he will reign over the All.


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