⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Parable of the Lost Sheep [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 107] ⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Parable of the Lost Sheep [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 107] ⛪✝️
Special Notes :- Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is our shepherd and We are the sheeps of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. For Divine Shepherd Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, Every Sheeps matter and Every Sheeps have the equal value. In the divine sight of the Holy Divine Shepherd Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, Every Sheeps are equal and There are no discriminations in the divine sight of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Even if One sheep among hundred sheeps stray then He will leave the 99 sheeps and He will search that one sheep who lost until he found it. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is our divine shepherd and divine master who guides us towards Holy Virtuous Path where Persons find the holy way of the Heavens. Sheeps of the Divine Shepherd follow the holy words of the Divine Sphered. The Divine Sphered takes care of his sheeps when Sheeps are in the trouble. The Divine Shepherd guides his sheeps towards the Right Path with his divine voice and his divine stick. Every Sheeps walk in the Correct Row and Correct Column. 
Sin diverts the mind towards wrong path where there are only greed, crime and lust. Greed chokes the Mind, brain and heart. Lust does blind the Mind, brain and heart  due to his temporary pleasure. In the temporary pleasure of the sins, Persons forget the Virtuous Paths until they receive the sorrows in their paths. Sinners rejects the Virtuousness due to their evil sinful blinded mind. When Sinners face the difficulties of the difficult time then They do experience the Immense sorrows in their Sinful Life. This new experience changes the entire life of Sinners and They turn towards God for assistance. They leave their sins and accept the holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Every Sheep needs Shepherd because without Shepherd, Every Path is a new path for Sheeps 🐑 and Sheeps do not know the Right Path and On Wrong Path, Evil Fox, Evil Tiger and Evil Lion are waiting for the hunt of the Sheeps. Evil Fox is like a Devil and Evil Lion is like a Satan. Devil and Satan make the souls of the persons unholy and Sinners, They spread Sins and reject virtues, They are the enemies of God. Devil and Satan destroy the Souls. 
In the Kingdom of God, Every Virtuous Spirits are equal and have the eternal life of heaven. When Any Virtuous Person sees unholy things or listen unholy things and Due to Evil attractions of the Unholy things, That Virtuous Person rejects the Words of God Then Father God punishes that Person by the various plagues and Due to difficulties of the difficult time, That Person falls in the immense sorrows and turn towards God again. Sin Kidnapped that Person and God found that lost person and rescued him from Sins. That Person again become virtuous. 

⛪✝️[The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 107]✝️⛪

⛪✝️[Saying 107]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Saying 107: The Parable of the Lost Sheep]⛪✝️

Jesus said, "The kingdom can be compared to a shepherd who had a hundred sheep. The largest one strayed. He left the ninety-nine and looked for that one until he found it. Having gone through the trouble, he said to the sheep: 'I love you more than the ninety-nine."'


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