
⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Mediator of the New Testament [Hebrews 12:24]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Mediator of the New Testament [Hebrews 12:24]⛪✝️ Special Notes :- Words are imperfect in the words of human because Human speaks errorful words and simple words. Words are dead in the words of human because Human words do not perform miracles and There are no activies in the Human words. There are no actions in the Human words. Human words are empty because Human words are actionless,  sometimes Human speaks true words and sometimes Human speaks false words. Prophets were human So There were no actions in the Holy words of Prophets, They were receiveing the God's Grace and God's Protections by their prayers. In the Holy Prayers of the Prophets, There were miraculous powers. Without Prayers, Prophets were weak in front of their enemies. Prophet Abraham received the God's Grace by his prayers. Prophet Moses received the God's Grace by his prayers and there was the god's boon on the Holy rod of the Prophet Moses.  Words had been made divin...

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Parable of Binding the Strong [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 35]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Parable of Binding the Strong [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 35]⛪✝️ Special Notes :- No body can loot the house of the strong person because Robbers and Thieves know that They can not defeat the Strong Person in the Fight and They will harm themselves because If Strong Person called to Police, Police will come and punish the robbers and thieves. If Robbers and thieves want to loot the house of strong, They will have to Strong and They cannot loot the house of strong without tying the hands of the strong. Similarly House of God is Strong and protected by the holy divine energy of the Holy words. If your faith is strong then evil persons cannot shake you and destroy you without breaking your faith. If your faith in God is Strong then you will follow the holy words of God and You will implement the holy words in your life, Then Evil words of Evil thoughts can not shake your 'mind and heart' and cannot misguide you. In the Holy Faith in Holy Lord, You w...

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Church of the firstborn [Hebrews 12:23]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Church of the firstborn [Hebrews 12:23]⛪✝️ Special Notes :- Spirit of God was in the Spirit of Lord Jesus Christ. Spirit of Lord Jesus Christ was a part of the Spirit of God. Spirit of truth was in the Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. So Lord Jesus Christ was the first born creation of the God. Jesus himself said " Before Abraham was I am". Before Abraham, Jesus was Present in the form of Spirit. Our Church is the Church of the firstborn because Lord Jesus Christ was the first born son of Joseph and Mary. Church of the firstborn Lord Jesus Christ is in heaven which had been glorified and resurrected by Our God, God of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our judge and which made our church perfect. Divine Energy took birth as human energy and Performed his miracles in the Israel and nearby nations. There was the spirit of truth in the divine energy. Divine Energy which controlled time, death and spirits. Divine Energy w...

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Good and Evil [The Gospel of Thomas, saying 45]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Good and Evil [The Gospel of Thomas, saying 45]⛪✝️ Special Notes :- Eternal life never dies because Eternal life resides in the Spirit. Eternal Life resides in the Heaven and There is eternal life in the heavenly spirits. There is energy in the word. Father God is the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Energy. Holy Spirit is the Holy Divine Energy and God the Son Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is the Holy Eternal Divine Energy. Holy Trinity is one eternal divine energy. Word produces energy.Holy virtuous words produce the Holy virtuous energies. Holy Virtuous Energy is kind, honest, energy of truth, faithful, merciful and gentle. Holy Virtuous Energy is graceful and helper. Hearts of the Holy Virtuous People are the full of virtue.  Satan is the creator of the evil energies. Satan created the Satanic Evil thoughts. Evil thoughts misguide the Persons. Satan spreads the evil words in the world. Due to temporary pleasure in evil things, Addicted Evil Persons do not ...