Monday, October 14, 2024

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Church of the firstborn [Hebrews 12:23]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Church of the firstborn [Hebrews 12:23]⛪✝️

Special Notes :- Spirit of God was in the Spirit of Lord Jesus Christ. Spirit of Lord Jesus Christ was a part of the Spirit of God. Spirit of truth was in the Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. So Lord Jesus Christ was the first born creation of the God. Jesus himself said " Before Abraham was I am". Before Abraham, Jesus was Present in the form of Spirit. Our Church is the Church of the firstborn because Lord Jesus Christ was the first born son of Joseph and Mary. Church of the firstborn Lord Jesus Christ is in heaven which had been glorified and resurrected by Our God, God of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our judge and which made our church perfect. Divine Energy took birth as human energy and Performed his miracles in the Israel and nearby nations. There was the spirit of truth in the divine energy. Divine Energy which controlled time, death and spirits. Divine Energy which spoke words by his divine intellect. There were miracles of the divine words in the Divine Energy. Divine Energy took birth without father and without mother because Supreme Holy Divine Energy father God produced the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ by Divine Energy Holy Spirit through the womb of the Virgin Mary without defiling the Virgin Mary So Divine Energy Lord Jesus Christ was the Born of Spirit. Our Church is the Church of the firstborn. Holy Resurrected glorified body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ of heaven is our holy church. In this holy church, Spirit of truth resides. In this holy church, Holy Spirit resides. In this holy church, Spirit of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ resides. In this holy church, Holy living divine words reside. In this holy church, holiness and purity resides. We experienced the most merciful god in our holy church which healed the persons and brought good time for the persons. We experienced the gentle God in our holy church which fed to 5000 people. Spirits of the Just made perfect through our holy church. 
Divine Energy resides in our holy church so Jesus said "Love your enemies". There is no enemy of God and God forgives the persons. Father God is all knowing and omniscient and despite this, He forgives the persons. There is no enemy of the divine energy. Divine energy loves his every creatures. Divine Energy protects the humans against the Satanic evil negative energy. Divine Energy casts out the evil negative energy from the human body. The Divine Judge punishes the evil persons after death and send them to horrible hell for punishment. The Divine Judge rewards the virtuous persons for their virtues and sends them to heaven. 
After Death, Prophet Abraham went to his Bossom.In other Words,Prophet Abraham is in Abraham's Bossom. Abraham's Bossom is like the most lower class of heaven But It is not heaven. Abraham's Bossom is neither heaven nor hell. Abraham's Bossom is the waiting place for Spirits.
In Abraham's Bossom, Virtuous Actions and Prayers matter. Then Spirits are able to visit heaven. If Spirits do not follow the rules of God in the Abraham's Bossom Then Spirits do not go to heaven and Rebirth happens. 
In the Refuge of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, There is eternal life of heaven. After death and his Resurrection, Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ went to Paradise and From Paradise, He went to highest heaven where God resides. In the Refuge of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, Spirit of Righteous goes to Paradise and After Paradise, Spirit of Righteous goes to the highest heaven of God. In Paradise, Spirits of Just men follow the holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ and do the Holy Virtuous actions then They are eligible for going to heaven of God.  
Those who are in the God's Grace and in the Christ's grace, Those who never consume meat, Those who believe in the Vegetarianism and Veganism, Those who never attempted heinous crimes, Those who kept them away from the deadly sins, Those who followed the holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ and did holy virtuous actions, Those who are humble and Just, Those who are honest and faithful towards Father God and Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, Those who earned virtues by their holy actions, Those who are merciful and gentle, Those who speak truth and love their brothers and their Sisters, Those who love their neighbors, Those who have holy virtuous character and Those who love the Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ and Father God with all their soul and all their heart, Then Spirits of these persons go directly to heaven. When Spirit receives the eternal life of heaven and enters in the heaven of God then This is called the Salvation of Spirit. 

⛪✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]⛪✝️
⛪✝️[Hebrews 12:23]⛪✝️
23. And to the church of the firstborn, who are written in the heavens, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of the just made perfect,

⛪✝️[Catholic Study Bible App]⛪✝️
23 and to the assembly of the first-born who are enrolled in heaven, and to a judge who is God of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,
⛪✝️[Hebrews 12:23] [RSV-CE]⛪✝️


1 comment:

  1. I observed two new locations in the new testament where soul goes after death.
    1) Abraham's Bosom :- Abraham's Bosom is neither heaven nor hell. It is the waiting place for the souls.
    During the final Judgment day, Lord Jesus Christ will rescue the Spirits from the Abraham's Bosom and will send them in heaven.
    So Jesus said " No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man ”.
    Lord Jesus Christ descended from heaven and took birth as son of man on earth. After death and resurrection, Lord Jesus Christ ascended to heaven.
    2) Jesus's Paradise :- Jesus's Paradise is a heaven Where there is eternal joy, eternal peace and eternal happiness and There is no Sorrow. Firstly Lord Jesus Christ ascended to Paradise and Later ascended to highest heaven where God resides.


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