[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Procedure of Sanctification through Jesus Christ

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Procedure of Sanctification through Jesus Christ

Sanctification purifies the mind,body and spirit.Every person must follow the procedure of Sanctification.Green Tree πŸŽ„is the most holy church ⛪ where air is neat and clean.Green Tree πŸŽ„ is the Symbol of Success,holiness,victory and happiness.
For Sanctification,Please follow this procedure,
1) Make the Sign of Cross on the Green Tree,Fix the 8 Holy Crosses on Earth around the Green Tree πŸŽ„ and bind these holy crosses with Green Tree πŸŽ„.
2) Make the Sign of Cross on Earth who touches the root of green tree πŸŽ„.Make the Sign of cross on leaf and Branches of tree.
3) Person will be bath under Green Tree πŸŽ„ with the holy name of Jesus.Person will  be make the sign of cross in air and on water.
4) After Bath and After wearing the full clothes,Person will be make the Sign of cross on his head and his heart with the help of holy water.
5) Person will be sit under the Green Tree πŸŽ„ in the form of meditation with the Jesus's name and God's name.
6) Person will be read the prayer for forgiveness.
7) After this prayer,Person will be say "holy Jesus's spirit purify my Spirit,mind and body.Holy God purify my Spirit,mind and body."
8) Person will be Sit under the green tree πŸŽ„ in the meditation form.He will recite the word ' Holy spirit of Jesus ' and ' Holy Father God ' with his every breath.

This is the procedure of the Sanctification.That Tree πŸŽ„ will become holy tree πŸŽ„.And Jesus's grace and God's Grace always lives on that tree.

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