[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Born of Unborn God [1 John 3: 9 ]

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Born of Unborn God [1 John 3:9 ] Special Notes :- The Almighty Father God is Unborn, The Soul of the Father God is called the Supreme Soul, The Spirit of the father god is called the Supreme Spirit.The Jesus Christ is the most beloved son of the father god. The Father God sacrificed his most beloved son for us,The Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, endless, Infinite, eternal, non-dual, Supreme being, Almighty, Supreme Soul , The Father God was able to save his son Jesus christ from horrible death But The Almighty Father God did not save his son Jesus Christ, He sacrificed his son for us.The father god raised the Jesus christ from the death, Jesus rose from dead due to father god, The Jesus Christ conquered the death due to father god. The Real home of Jesus Christ was heaven. The Jesus Christ rose from dead and returned to heaven after few days.The Jesus Christ is the Son of God, The Unborn Jesus Christ is the seed of the God. The father god is the endless ocean of mercy. The father god accepts every persons through our lord Jesus Christ. When Sinners leave their sins and Turn towards father god through our lord Jesus Christ, The Almighty Father God forgives their sins and after purification of their Souls, The Father God accept them through our lord Jesus Christ,Their sinner Souls convert in to the virtuous Souls and It is the rebirth of the Sinners. The Unborn Virtuous Souls are the born of the Unborn God, The seed of the father god is always abide in the virtuous persons so The Virtuous People commit no sin, and They can not sin because they are the born of the father god and They have already conquered the Sin. The Holy Trinity (The Father God, The Son of God Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit ) always protects, helps,saves and defends The Virtuous People .The Guardian Angel always protects the virtuous Souls. The Sin is mortal, After confession and repentance, The Almighty Father God forgives the Sin through our lord Jesus Christ. 1 John 3:9 "Whosoever is born of God, committeth not sin: for his seed abideth in him, and he can not sin, because he is born of God."

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