[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Unexplainable Love, The real Nature of the virtuous Souls [ 1 John 3:11 ]

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Unexplainable Love, The real Nature of the virtuous Souls [1 John 3:11] [The Unborn Father God and his endless love towards the Unborn Souls ] Special Notes :- The Love is Unexplainable. The Love generates all the Virtues. The Love generates all the good deeds. Love generates kindness. Love generates humility. Love generates Sympathy and Empathy. The Love generates help. Love generates righteousness. Love is the God's word. 'The Endless and The Unconditional' Love of The father god always fall Upon us, 'The Endless and The Unconditional' Love of the father god saves us, protects us and defends us through our lord Jesus Christ. 'The Unexplainable and The Unconditional ' Love is the source of divine mercy. 'The Unexplainable and The Unconditional ' love generates the divine mercy. The Father God is the Source of the Positive Energy and The Son of God, Jesus Christ is the source of Positive Energy too,The Positive Energy generates the love. The Unborn Father God produced the love. The Unborn Souls love each other, This is the real Nature of Soul. Quality of Souls are different from each other. High quality Souls are the Superior than the low Quality Souls. The Unborn Supreme Soul produced the Unborn Souls. The Unborn Supreme Soul love the Unborn Souls as like as father and son. The Soul of the Jesus christ is the most Superior Soul because The Jesus's Soul is the nearest to the Supreme Soul father god. The Love generates the forgiveness, The Love generates the repentance. All the Virtues and All the righteousness enters into our hearts and our minds through the gate of love. The Love is the source of All righteousness and All Virtues. The hate generates envy and The Love destroys the envy. Love every creatures. Love every Persons. Love your neighbour . 1 John 3:11 "For this is the declaration, which you have heard from the beginning, that you should love one another."

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