[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Feelings[ 1 John 3

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Feelings [1 John 3 :21 ]

Special Notes :- There are two types of Internal Energy, 1) Positive Energy 2 ) Negative Energy. Positive Energy generates the Positive thoughts and Negative Energy generates the Negative thoughts. Positive Energy always do fight against the Negative Energy and Negative Energy always fight against the Positive Energy, Positive thoughts always do fight against the Negative thoughts and Negative thoughts always opposes the Positive thoughts. There are the battle between the two thoughts in our minds. Positive thoughts want peace but Negative thoughts want revenge and violence. Our minds are the witness of these types of internal battle between two thoughts. Positive thoughts generate the Positive feelings and Negative thoughts generate the Negative feelings. Peaceful mind generates the happy feelings and Unpeaceful mind generates the sad feelings and Anger feelings. The Endless ocean of the unlimited mercy, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, Unborn and Immortal Father God is greater than our feelings because he knows our feelings and he knows every thing about us. Our minds always face the battle between positive thoughts and Negative thoughts. Positive feelings always condemn the Negative feelings because Negative feelings generate the Sin. Positive feelings condemn the sinful thoughts and Make the person fearless. Negative feelings love the sinful thoughts and creates the fear among people.
The Love of the Unborn Spirit of Jesus Christ makes us fearless.
Love of the Unborn Father God and Love of the Jesus christ generates the Positive feelings among people and erases the fear among people.
It is Universal truth that every persons have two types of feelings in the mind 1 ) Good feelings 2 ) Bad feelings .
Only Our Master, The Son of God, Jesus Christ can save us from the bad thoughts and Bad feelings.

Catholic Bible. 1 John 3:21
[21]My dear friends, if our own feelings do not condemn us, we can be fearless before God ,

Pawan Upadhyay Bible :-
Pawan Upadhyay


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