[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 3

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Heresy of Antichrist [1 John 4 :3 ]
Special Notes :- In previous Verse of the Pawan Upadhyay Bible, I have already proved that Unborn Jesus Christ is from the Unborn Father God, it was the acknowledgement proof. If any Spirit does not acknowledge that Jesus is from God, That Spirit is the Spirit of the Antichrist, The Negative Energy always opposes the Positive Energy. Jesus Christ is the Positive Energy and The Antichrist is the Negative Energy .The Antichrist worships the evil Spirits and the devil as the fake god, Antichrist is large in this world,They are heretics and their teachings are only heresy. They reject the truth and believe in false, They reject the light and accept the darkness and Their teachings are against the humanity. Their discussion and their debates are fake, They do the heinous crime in the name of religion. They reject the Peace and love the Violence , Their Virtue is fake, They generate Sin from their Virtue, They do the Sin in front of their god for pleasing to their fake god. They reject the true religion and They believe on false religion. They preach about the Virtue but They do the Sin in the name of Virtue. They preach about the humanity but They do the Sin in the name of humanity. They love the Lust and Their attractions are always towards Lust, They do the humanitarian deeds for the Lust, They do the Virtue for the Lust. They worship the God for the Greed, They do the virtue due to greed, They do the humanitarian deeds due to Greed. Their Sermons of heresy are based on the greed. They do the Sin due to love of Money. They are Antichrists and The Powerful Time destroys these Antichrists and They receive the most horrible punishments in the hell .

Catholic Bible. 1 John 4:3
[3]and no spirit which fails to acknowledge Jesus is from God; it is the spirit of Antichrist, whose coming you have heard of; he is already at large in the world.

Pawan Upadhyay Bible :-

Pawan Upadhyay


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