[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 5 :20

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] True Son of God from True God [1 John 5 :20 ]
Special Notes :- The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is a part of the Supreme Spirit Father God, Suppose Supreme Spirit Father God is like the Endless ocean Then Holy Spirit of the Jesus christ is the sea of that endless ocean,When ocean is endless then Sea is endless too because Sea is always merge with the ocean. Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is merge with the Supreme Spirit Father God, Supreme Spirit Father God and Holy spirit of Jesus Christ are one, In other words Father God and Jesus Christ are one. Jesus himself Said "I and Father are one ". The Son of God Jesus Christ has come and Unborn Son of Unborn Father God has given us understanding that We may know the true God through his true Son Jesus Christ,True God from the True God, True eternal life from the true eternal life, True divinity from true divinity, True Resurrection from True Immortal one, True peace from true peace, True light from True light, True divine spirit from True divine Spirit, True knowledge from the true knowledge,True Unborn from True Unborn. There are the dual nature of Jesus Christ, 1)Divine nature 2) Human nature. There is the eternal life in the true God, The Eternal life of the true God is not differ from the eternal life of the Jesus christ, The Eternal life of the Unborn Father God and the eternal life of the Jesus christ are one. Jesus Christ provides us understanding and wisdom. Jesus Christ is the True understanding and True wisdom,Through this understanding we reach to heaven. Saviour Jesus Christ heals us, guides us, protects us, defends us. Jesus Christ is the incarnation of the Unborn Father God and True divine humanity. Through True Resurrection of the True Son Jesus Christ, We knew the true God. Resurrection of Jesus's Spirit merged the Jesus's Spirit with the Supreme Spirit Father God and Resurrection of the Jesus's Body merged the Jesus's Body to Jesus's Spiritual body, Jesus Christ came in human nature from the divine nature and By Resurrection, Jesus Christ again entered in his divine nature from human nature. The Divine humanity Jesus Christ entered in the pure divinity by his Resurrection. By his birth, The divine nature Jesus Christ came in human nature and by his Resurrection, Human nature again entered in his divine nature.

1 John 5:20
"And we know that the Son of God is come: and he hath given us understanding that we may know the true God, and may be in his true Son. This is the true God and life eternal."

Roman Catholic Bible

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