⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [📖 Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Forgiveness of Sins [Hebrews 10:4] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

[The Miraculous Pawan Upadhyay Bible by The Miraculous Writer Pawan Upadhyay (Miracles Since Year 2003).]

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⛪ ⛪ ⛪  📖 [📖 Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Forgiveness of Sins [Hebrews 10:4] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 

Special Notes :- Powers of Holy Words of Immortal Spirit are the cause of the miracles. Spirit is Immortal and Body is Mortal. There are no miraculous divine powers in the Mortal things. There are miraculous powers in the Immortal things. Sacrifice of Mortal things can not forgive the Sins. Dedication of Heavenly things forgive the Sins. There are miracles in the Holy Words. There is divinity in the Holy Divine Words So Sacrifice Your Holy Words to Father God. There are Holy hope in the Holy Divine Words. In other words, There is hope of Salvation in the Holy Divine Words. Blood of Oxen and Blood of Goats can not wash away the Sins of Persons because Sin resides in the Conscience of the Persons. Only Heavenly things can purify the conscience of the Persons. There are no powers in the Mortal Body of Animals and There are no powers in the Mortal Blood of Animals because There are impurity in the these things, These things are earthly things and Earthly things had been made only for earth, not heavens. Father God likes the dedication of Heavenly things because There are purity in Heavenly things. Father God likes the dedication of Purity. Father God does not like impurity. There is holiness in the Purity and Supreme Holiness likes the Holiness. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Spirit likes the Purity of Spirit because There is holiness in the Purity of Spirit. Holiness enters in the Spirit by the Divine Holiness of the Supreme Holiness. Without Holiness, There is no way of Heaven. Holiness is the way of Heaven. God the Father, God the Son Holy Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit are one eternal divine holiness, not three. Divine Holiness is one and non-dual, not three. Holy Trinity is one divine holiness. Sins are removed from Persons by the Divine Holiness of Holy Trinity. Sins are removed from Persons through 'Confessions,Repentance and Prayers' of Persons by The Divine Holiness. The Divine Holiness is the divine truth. Divine Truth likes the Truth and Person accepts the truth though Confessions. There is divine mercy in the divine truth of the Divine Holiness. Person does apply for the mercy of the Divine mercy through Repentance for the forgiveness of Sins. Person talks to God through Prayers. There are confessions and repentance in the prayers of forgiveness. So Sacrifice your holy words to God. Dedicate Heavenly things to God. Commend your Spirit to God because Supreme Holy Spirit loves the Spirit, Supreme Holy Spirit likes the donation of Spirit. Dedication of Spirit makes spirit holy and There is the protection of Holy Trinity on the donated spirit. Through the Holy dedications of Holy Words of Persons , Holy Trinity forgives the Sins of the Persons.

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ Hebrews 10:4 ⛪ ⛪ ⛪
4. For it is impossible that with the blood of oxen and goats sin should be taken away.


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