⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [📖 Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Unselfish Dedication [Hebrews 10:5] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [📖 Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Unselfish Dedication [Hebrews 10:5] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Special Notes :- Dedication in Holy Words of Holy God and Dedication in the Holy actions of Holy Words of Father God are called the Unselfish Dedication. Sacrifice of Animals were Selfish Dedication. There were no forgiveness of Sins in the Animal Sacrifice. Animal Sacrifice was the cause of the long Sufferings of Jews. There should be purity in Dedication. Holy Dedication is called the Holy Sacrifice. There is the Purity of dedication in the Purity of Conscience . No things are more pure than Heavenly things. There are eternity in the Heavenly things. There are no holiness in the sacrifices of Mortal things because There are no purity in the Mortal things. Impurity is the cause of the mortalness of the Earthly things. Sacrifice of Mortal things can not provide Salvation. Sacrifice of Mortal things can not forgive Sins because Mortal things themselves are Sinful So Sacrifice of Sinful things are useless. There are no powers in the Mortal things. Holy Father God loves virtuous things. Holy Father God loves divine energy. Holy Father God loves the Heavenly things. Holy Father God made heavens and heavenly things eternal. Holy Father God loves the eternal things. There are true vines in Heavens , Father God is the Vine grower of of Heavens. In other words, Father God is the creator of true vines of heavens.
God the Son Lord Jesus Christ was Heavenly thing So He called himself a true vine in his holy eternal words. There is the Holy eternal purity in the True Vine. There is Holy eternal divine energy in the fruits of True Vine. Holy eternal divine words were the fruits of Holy eternal true vine 'Jesus Christ '. There are no true vines on Earth because Every Creatures on Earth are mortal. There are errors in the Mortal things. Due to their errors, Mortal living things of Earth are imperfect and incomplete. Father God knows that mortal humans are imperfect and due to imperfections, Humans do sins So when Imperfect human take refuge in Father God Then Merciful Father God forgives the person through 'confessions, repentance and prayers' of Person. Impurity in Dedication is the cause of the difficulties of tough time for Saintly Persons. The Pure Holy Dedication which conquered the Death and Hell. The Pure Holy Dedication which conquered the difficult time. That Pure Holy Dedication was in the Jesus Christ, That Pure Holy Dedication in the Holy Father God was the cause of the Resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ. Every Time Father God was in the mind of Holy Jesus Christ, Father God was in the sorrow of Death of Jesus Christ, Father God was in the happiness of Jesus Christ, Father God was in the Holy Peace of Holy Jesus Christ, Father God was in the Holy words of Holy Jesus Christ, Father God was in the miracles of Holy Jesus Christ, Father God was in the Holy heart of Holy Jesus Christ and Father God was in the resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ. There was purity of Holy dedication in the Holy Jesus Christ and Holy Dedication is called the holy sacrifice.

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Hebrews 10:5] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪
5. Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith: Sacrifice and oblation thou wouldest not: but a body thou hast fitted to me:
The Miraculous Pawan Upadhyay Bible by the miraculous writer Pawan Upadhyay (Miracles Since Year 2003) .


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