✝️⛪[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Kingdom of Heaven [Gospel of Thomas 3]✝️⛪
✝️⛪ Special Notes :- Supreme Soul produced the Souls. Supreme Holy Spirit Father God is like the endless ocean of the Souls. There are infinite Souls in the Supreme Soul. There is Holy Eternal Divine Peace in the Supreme Holy Spirit Father God. Supreme Holy Spirit Father God created the Heavens. There are the perfections of Holy Eternal Life in the Heavens. There are imperfections in the Mortal Earthly Life. There are errors in the Mortal Earthly Life. So Creatures of Heavens are greater than the Creatures of Earth. Birds of Heavens are more perfect than the Birds of Earth. Birds of Heavens are greater than Earthly Creatures. Heavenly Creatures are greater than Earthly Creatures. Heavenly Light is greater than the Earthly Light. Heavenly Dignity is greater than Earthly Dignity. Heavenly Honour is greater than the Earthly Honour. Heavenly Peace is greater than the Earthly Peace. Heaven is Perfect and Earth is imperfection. There is Eternal life in Heaven and There is Mortal life on...