✝️⛪[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Kingdom of Heaven [Gospel of Thomas 3]✝️⛪

✝️⛪ Special Notes :- Supreme Soul produced the Souls. Supreme Holy Spirit Father God is like the endless ocean of the Souls. There are infinite Souls in the Supreme Soul. There is Holy Eternal Divine Peace in the Supreme Holy Spirit Father God. Supreme Holy Spirit Father God created the Heavens. There are the perfections of Holy Eternal Life in the Heavens. There are imperfections in the Mortal Earthly Life. There are errors in the Mortal Earthly Life. So Creatures of Heavens are greater than the Creatures of Earth. Birds of Heavens are more perfect than the Birds of Earth. Birds of Heavens are greater than Earthly Creatures. Heavenly Creatures are greater than Earthly Creatures. Heavenly Light is greater than the Earthly Light. Heavenly Dignity is greater than Earthly Dignity. Heavenly Honour is greater than the Earthly Honour. Heavenly Peace is greater than the Earthly Peace. Heaven is Perfect and Earth is imperfection. There is Eternal life in Heaven and There is Mortal life on Earth. Eternal Life never dies and Mortal Life dies. Eternal Life is painless and There is pain in the Mortal Life. Earthly Life is the full of Sorrows and Heavenly Life is the full of Happiness. There is the Kingdom of God in the Heavens. Angels of Heavens are in the communication with the Supreme Holy Spirit Father God in the Heavens and They obey the Holy Father God. When People will say that Kingdom of God is in Heaven Then Birds of Heaven will be before you, If People will say that Kingdom of God is in the Sea Then Fish of Sea will be before you. But True is this, Kingdom of God is in the Spirit of the Person and Kingdom of God is outside of the Person. Kingdom of God is inside Humans and Kingdom of God is outside Humans. Kingdom of God is in the Holy Love. Kingdom of God is in the Holy Mercy. Kingdom of God is in the Holy Honesty and Holy Faithfulness. Kingdom of God is in the Holy True Words. Kingdom of God is in the Holy Faith. Kingdom of God is in the Holy Actions. Kingdom of God is in the Holy Virtuousness. Kingdom of God is in the Holy Gentleness. Kingdom of God is in the Holy thoughts and Holy thinkings. Love is one word But There are many words in the explanation of 'Love'. Love every Creatures of God. Love your Brother, Love your neighbor, Love Your Parents, Love your friends and Love your enemies. Love every persons, Do not hate. There is assistance in Love. There is holiness in Love. There is peace in the Love. There is no envy in the Love. There is purity in the Love. Love helps and Love Supports. There is mercy in the Love. The Mercy of Love is the Saviour and Protector. Know Yourself, You are Spirits, You are the sons of the Living Father God. Spirits are the Sons of the Living Supreme Holy Spirit Father God. Pray to God, Confess and Repent. Worship God, Commend your spirit to Supreme Holy Spirit Father God as like as Blessed Holy Lord Jesus Christ. Kingdom of God is within You, Kingdom of God is outside you, Follow the every words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus Christ, Follow the way of Truth. Always Speak Truth, Do not speak lie. Always be Honest, Do not cheat to any person. Always be Faithful. Spread the Holy Words of the Holy Father God in Whole World. In other words, Spread the Holy Words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus Christ in the Whole World. Spread the Holy Words and Create Holy Virtuous Society. Kingdom of God is in the Holy Virtuous Character. Kingdom of God is in the Holy words. Kingdom of God is in the Holy Words of Holy Prayers. Do Honour the dignity of Spirit. Do respect the Persons. Do not hurt the Persons. Always speak polite words. Because Kingdom of God is in the Politeness and Humility. Kingdom of God is in your inner actions of your Holy Inner thoughts of your spirit. Kingdom of God is in your outer actions of your holy thoughts of your mind. There is the Holy eternal life in the Kingdom of God. There is the kingdom of heaven in the Kingdom of God. There is the eternal life of heaven in the Kingdom of God. There is the Holy way of the eternal life of Heaven in the Kingdom of God. Kingdom of God is in the Holy Eternal Divine Words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus Christ. There is the spiritual richness in the eternal life of heaven. There are the eternal spiritual joy and the eternal spiritual happiness in the eternal holy life of Heavens. Your Heavenly life will be without death and without difficult time because There are no death and no difficult time in the Heavens. There is only Holy virtuous divine good time in the Heaven. There are no sorrows in the Heavens. 
If you do not know yourselves, You are in Poverty and You are Poverty. In Greedy life, There is only hell. Sinful Life throws the Souls in the Hell. Difficult Time destroys the Wicked Souls. Difficult Time destroys the Sinful Life. Earthly Life is full of Sorrows and full of difficulties. There are only sorrows in the Life of Hell. There are only horrible pains in the Life of Hell. There are only difficulties of the difficult time in the Life of Hell. 
Blessed Holy Lord Jesus Nazarene Christ said : If those who lead you say unto you: Behold, the Kingdom is in heaven, then the birds of the heaven will be before you. If they say unto you: It is in the sea, then the fish will be before you. But the Kingdom is within you, and it is outside of you. When you know yourselves, then shall you be known, and you shall know that you are the sons of the living Father. But if ye do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty, and you are poverty.

✝️⛪ [The Gospel of Thomas : 3]✝️⛪ 
(3) Jesus said: If those who lead you say unto you: Behold, the Kingdom is in heaven, then the birds of the heaven will be before you. If they say unto you: It is in the sea, then the fish will be before you. But the Kingdom is within you, and it is outside of you. When you know yourselves, then shall you be known, and you shall know that you are the sons of the living Father. But if ye do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty, and you are poverty.


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