✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Judgement [Hebrews 10:27]✝️

✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Judgement [Hebrews 10:27]✝️
Special Notes :- There is peace in the Judgement. There is divine Justice in the Divine Judgement. Father God is the Divine Judge, Who Judges the Souls. Divinity is the saviour of Humanity, Divinity is the saviour of Holy Virtuous Persons, Divinity Saved Prophet Abraham, Divinity Saved Prophet Moses and Divinity saved the Prophet Abraham's wife Sarah. Divinity produced fear and saved holy persons. Divinity punished the evil persons and Saved Virtuous Persons. There is God in the Holiness because Divine Holiness of God produced the Holiness and There was Spirit of Truth in the Holiness of Lord Jesus Christ. Virtuous Actions please the God. Sinful Actions displease the God because Sinful Actions hurt the Persons. Soul is the responsible for every actions. So After Death of Persons, Sinner Souls fall in the Horrible Hell for Punishment. God gave his words, His Holy Words taught Virtuousness and There is the way of heaven in the Path of Righteousness. God spoke his holy words through Lord Jesus Christ and There were divine actions of divine words in the Holy words of Holy Jesus Christ. So Implementation of Holy words in Life is mandatory for the eternal life of Heaven.
Father God is the endless ocean of the unlimited mercy. There are no anger and no violence in the Father God. Most Merciful Father God shows holy wrath for saving the Holy Virtuous Innocent Lifes. Holy Wrath was the cause of the fear of King Pharaoh because Holy Wrath was destroying the Kingdom of Egypt. Holy Wrath saved the dignity of Prophet Abraham's wife Sarah because Due to fear of God's Holy Wrath, King Pharaoh returned Sarah to Prophet Abraham. God's Holy Wrath saved the Prophet Moses and Jews because Due to God's Grace, Prophet Moses was able to part the Red Sea, God saved the lifes of Jews through Prophet Moses. Prophet Moses parted the Red Sea and Red Sea swallowed the King of Egypt and his Armies.
Holy Judgement of Holy Father God punishes the evil persons by the Difficult Time and After Death of Evil Persons, Their Souls fall in the Horrible Hell. For establishment of Peace, Judgement is Necessary. Without Justice, There is no peace. Divine Justice destroys the evil persons. There is peace of soul in the Justice. Divine Justice was the cause of the Bodily Resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ.
Saint Paul Wrote in this letter " But a certain dreadful expectation of judgment, and the rage of a fire which shall consume the adversaries."

⛪ [Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible] ⛪
Hebrews 10:27
27. But a certain dreadful expectation of judgment, and the rage of a fire which shall consume the adversaries.


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