✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Testimony [Hebrews 11:2]✝️

Special Notes :- Holy Words of Holy Jesus Christ became Testimony and His Holiness was in his holy testimony. Holy Testimony is the Testimony of Heavens. There is Holy Eternal Positive Energy in the Holy Testimony. There is Holy Peace in the Holy Testimony. Holy Testimony is gentle and kind. Love and Mercy are the Base of Holy Testimony. Tolerance, Forgiveness and Justice decorated the Holy Testimony. Holiness and Purity makes Holy Testimony incredible. Humbleness and Humility makes the Holy Testimony, A Holy Testimony of Heavens. There was Spirit of Truth in the Holy Testament of Holy Jesus Christ. Ancients knew old Testament of Holy Prophets and They explained them as per their Knowledge. It is true that Humans are Imperfect So Humans face the difficulties of Difficult Time. Prophets were Humans, They were not more perfect. They also did errors and They created the Holy Old Testament in 'their Imperfect Words and their Imperfect Knowledge'. Words of Prophets were not more perfect than God. Spirit of Truth himself was in the Spirit of Holy Lord Jesus Christ. So There were perfections in the Holy Words of Holy Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Words of Holy Lord Jesus Christ created the Holy Testimony. By His New Holy Testimony, Holy Lord Jesus Christ rectified the errors of some imperfect words of Holy Lord Jesus Christ. There were imperfect holiness and imperfect purity in the few words of Holy Old Testament. Holy New Testimony of the Holy Lord Jesus Christ rectified the errors of Old Testimony. Holy Lord Jesus Christ removed few errorful words of Holy Old Testimony and Created New Testimony. There were perfect love and perfect mercy in the Holy New Testament of Holy Lord Jesus Christ. There were perfect divinity and perfect dignity in the Holy New Testimony of Holy Lord Jesus Christ. There were miracles in the Holy words of Holy New Testimony of Holy Lord Jesus Christ. 
✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️
Hebrews 11:2
2. For by this the ancients obtained a testimony.


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