✝️⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Faith in the Holy Divine Promise [Hebrews 11:9]✝️⛪

Special Notes :- By Faith, Prophet Abraham walked towards Canaan without Knowing that Where is he going. He walked by God's Words. He was moving by God's Words. Prophet Abraham was walking by faith, He was implementing the God's Words in his life. Faith of Abraham was guiding him during his Journey. Father God's Words are Medicine So By his Faith, Prophet Abraham got two Sons through his wifes although His Wife Sarah was Barren. There is discipline of life in the Holy Father God's Words. There are sufferings in the Discipline. By his Faith, Prophet Abraham resided in the Cottages at Canaan. By his Faith, Prophet Abraham resided in the Tabernacle. There were Sufferings of Prophet Abraham in the Faith of Prophet Abraham But Sufferings made Prophet Abraham Strong and Solid. During Difficult Time, Supreme Holy Spirit Father God saved the Prophet Abraham. During Difficult Time, Supreme Holy Spirit Father God rescued the Prophet Abraham's wife Sarah. Due to Holy Faith, Miracles happened. Due to Holy Faith, Prophet Abraham knew the Almighty Power of Father God in his imperfect Human Wisdom. Prophet Abraham was in the Protection of God's Words. God's Promise was saving the Prophet Abraham every difficult time. There are Holy Actions of Holy words in the God's Promises. Holy Actions of the Holy Words of the Holy Divine Promise destroyed the evil kingdoms for saving the Prophets. Holy Actions of Holy words of Holy Divine Promise of Holy Father God empowered the Prophets. Holy Actions of Holy Words of Holy Divine Promise of Holy Father God were the saviour of Prophet Abraham. Through the Holy Actions of Holy words of Holy Divine Promise of Holy Father God, Prophet Abraham conquered the Hard Time. 
Saint Paul wrote in his letter "By Faith Prophet Abraham abode in the land, dwelling in cottages, with Isaac and Jacob, the co-heirs of the same promise. "
[Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible]
Hebrews 11:9
9. By faith he abode in the land, dwelling in cottages, with Isaac and Jacob, the co-heirs of the same promise.


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