✝️⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Pilgrims [Hebrews 11:13]✝️⛪

Special Notes :- Holy Eternal Divine Word created the Holy Eternal Divine Faith. Holy Eternal Divine Faith created the Holy Faith. Prophet Abraham and his generations were only pilgrims and strangers on the earth because Their Home was in the Holy Heavens, His Generations were in the God's Grace, Father God rescued the Generations of Prophet Abraham from Egypt through Prophet Moses, Although Prophet Moses himself was belong to the Generation of the Prophet Abraham. Holy Eternal Divine Faith produced the Holy Eternal Divine Energy in their Bodies and Holy Eternal Divine Energy purified their spirits and their bodies. Although No Humans are perfect, But There is the forgiveness of sins in the Holy Faith. Holy Faith produces the Holy Positive Energy in the Person's Mind. Holy Positive Energies of Holy Words make persons Virtuous. There was God's Grace on King David and There was the God's Grace on the Prophet Daniel. There was God's Grace on the Isaac and There was God's Grace on the Jacob. Prophet Abraham himself was in the Holy Protection of God's Grace. 
Saint Paul wrote in this letter "
All these died according to faith, not having received the promises, but beholding them afar off, and saluting them, and confessing that they are pilgrims and strangers on the earth."
Prophet Abraham's Generations were the Holy Pilgrims on the Earth, They were strangers on the Earth because God's Grace opened the Gate of Heavens for them through their Sufferings. They all were Humans, They also did Sins But Due to their holy faith and their holy actions, Father God forgave them. Their Holy Faith and Their Holy Actions pleased the Father God, They prayed to God, Father God accepted their prayers and answered their prayers. According to Faith, They Died through Sufferings and received eternal life of Heaven. There were purity and holiness in the Prophet Moses and Prophet Daniel. Their Holy Words received the God's Grace. Their Prayers pleased the Father God. 
Note :- Lord Jesus Christ was Unborn and His Father was the Holy Spirit. 

⛪✝️[Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️⛪ 
Hebrews 11:13
13. All these died according to faith, not having received the promises, but beholding them afar off, and saluting them, and confessing that they are pilgrims and strangers on the earth.



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