⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Conqueror Faith [Hebrews 11:33] ⛪✝️

Special Notes :- By Holy Faith, Prophets conquered the Evil Kingdoms. By Holy Faith, Prophets wrought justice. Their  Holy Faith conquered the spirits of Lions in the Den of Lions. Their Holy Faith stopped the mouths of lions. Supreme Holy Spirit Father God is the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word. Holy Eternal Divine Word destroyed the evil kingdoms. Holy Eternal Divine Word controlled the Time of Prophets and changed the Time for Prophets. Holy Eternal Divine Word is the most holy and most pure. Holy Eternal divine word is the honest and faithful. There are no negative words in the Holy Eternal divine word. Holy Eternal Divine Energy of the Holy Eternal Divine Word is the Holy, Positive, Virtuous, pure and errorless. Holy Eternal divine word is himself the Holy Eternal Divine Faith. Supreme Holy Spirit Father God is himself the priest of his the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word. So There is the Holy Eternal divine faith in the Supreme Holy Spirit Father God. Holy Eternal Divine Words of the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word control the Time. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word removes the Bad Time from the Person's Life and brings the Good Time in the Person's Life. 
Prophet Abraham Conquered the King of Egypt by the powers of his prayers and rescued his wife Sarah with the help of God. Although Prophet Abraham was in the Good Time and Suddenly He faced the difficulties of Bad Time due to horrible famine in the Canaan. There is no bad time in the God's Grace But Prophet Abraham faced the difficulties of the Toughest Time due to errors in his adoration and due to errors of his human nature. Prophet Abraham was honest towards Holy Father God. Prophet Abraham was the faithful servant of the Holy Father God So Father God forgave him and rescued him from the difficulties of the Toughest Time. There was the truthness of Holy Faith in the Faith of the Prophet Abraham but with errors of Human Nature So He faced the difficulties of Tough Time in the God's Grace. Holy Faith of the Prophet Daniel rescued the Prophet Daniel from the Lion's Den, His words of His Holy Prayers stopped the mouths of lions, There was the God's Grace in the Holy words of the Holy Prayers of the Prophet Daniel So Without Any Fears, Prophet Daniel spent his night at Lion's Den and Hungry Lions could not kill the Prophet Daniel because Divine Miraculous Powers of the Invisible Supreme Holy Spirit Father God stopped the mouths of lions, Divine Miraculous Powers of the Holy Father God controlled the Spirits of Lions. By Holy Faith, Prophet Moses wrought justice to Hebrew People through Various Plagues, The Holy Miracles of Holy Father God punished the Evil Kingdom of Egypt. By Holy Faith, Prophet Moses parted the Red Sea by his holy words and rescued the Hebrew People from Evil Kingdom of Egypt. By Holy Faith, Jericho's Wall collapsed.  By Holy Faith in Father God , David defeated the Goliath. By Holy Faith, Prophets obtained Promises. By Holy Faith, Impossible became possible. By Holy Faith, Miracles happened and Miracles were the destructive for the Evil Kingdom. 

✝️⛪[Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️⛪ 
        ✝️⛪Hebrews 11:33 ⛪✝️
33. Who by faith conquered kingdoms, wrought justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,



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