⛪ ✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Testimony of Faith [Hebrews 11:39] ⛪ ✝️

Special Notes :- Holy Faith conquered the Evil Persons. Holy Faith conquered the evil kingdom. Holy Faith performed Miracles because There was the purity of heart in the Holy Faith. Holy Faith pleased the God because There was the holy character in the Holy Faith. Word created Faith. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is the Holy eternal divine word. Supreme Holy Spirit Father God is the Holy Eternal Divine Word. By Word, He created whole universes. By Word, He created the creatures of Earth and Heaven. By Word, He created the Energy of the Universes. Word of God became Sun ☀. Word of God became Human. Word of God became Earth. Word of God is the true divine word. Word came out and word became Truth. Word of God controls the Time. 
By Holy Faith, King Solomon conquered the Evil Spirits and Sealed the Evil Spirits. Powerful Demons became Powerless in front of King Solomon. By Holy Faith, King David conquered the Goliath. By Holy Faith, Prophet Moses was destructive for the Evil Kingdom of Egypt. Holy Faith made King Solomon Just, Honest,Gentle and Faithful. There was the Priestly nature in the King David. There was the priestly nature in the King Solomon. Holy Faith made King David, A Royal Priest. Holy Faith made King 👑 Solomon, A Royal Priest. The Holy Priesthood of King Solomon was greater than the Levitical Priesthood because Holy Priesthood of the King Solomon controlled the every evil spirits, He sealed the Evil Spirits. Other Side, Levitical Priesthood was limit till Burning Sacrifice of Animals, Levitical Priesthood was unable to Control the most powerful evil demons. Other Side, Royal Priest King Solomon controlled the most powerful evil demons by words and Holy Ring, He sealed the evil demons by his holy ring. 
Saint Paul wrote in this letter "
And all these being approved by the testimony of faith, received not the promise;"
Holy Prayers and Holy Adoration of the Holy King David pleased the God and received the Testimony of Faith. Holy Prayers and Holy Adoration of the Royal Priest King Solomon pleased the God and received the Testimony of Faith. The Testimony of Faith was the saviour of the Holy Kingdom of Israel. The Testimony of Faith fed Manna to Prophet Moses and Jews in the desert of Israel. The Testimony of Faith parted the Red Sea through the Prophet Moses. The Testimony of Faith created Plagues in the Evil Kingdom of Egypt and rescued the Hebrew People. The Testimony of Faith rescued the Prophet Abraham and His Wife Sarah from Egypt. The Testimony of Faith created fear in the mind of the Evil Kings. The Testimony of Faith established the Holy Jewish Kingdom in the Israel. The Testimony of Faith created the Holy Jewish Temple. 
The Testimony of Faith had been perfected in the Holy Faith of the Holy Priest Jesus the Nazarene Christ. The Testimony of Faith had been completed in the Holy Faith of the Holy Priest Jesus the Nazarene Christ. The Perfect Holy Faith of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the cause of the Bodily Resurrection of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. By Testimony of Faith, Divinity took birth as Human Nature on Earth and By Testimony of Faith, Divinity again entered in his divine nature through Resurrection. By Testimony of Faith, Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ entered in the eternal life of heaven through the Bodily Resurrection. Angel Gabriel brought the Testimony of Faith. By Testimony of Faith, Holy Spirit produced the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ through the womb of the Holy Virgin Mary. 

✝️Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible✝️
Hebrews 11:39
39. And all these being approved by the testimony of faith, received not the promise;

Hebrews 11:39
39 And all these, though well attested by their faith, did not receive what was promised,


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