➕✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible]➕✝️ Thanks to Christ ✝️➕[The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Laodiceans 1:3]✝️➕

Special Notes :- Base of Our Faith is Christ. Christ is in our prayers and Christ is in our thoughts. Christ is in our minds and our hearts. Christ is in our Spirits. Christ is Our grace. Christ is our love. Christ is in our mercy. Christ is in our peace. Christ is in our good works. Christ is in our holy promise. Christ is in our good time. Christ is our saviour and our rescuer. Christ is in our holy faith. Christ is in our holy sufferings of our holy faith. Christ is in our gentleness. Christ is in our faithfulness. Christ is in our true holy words. Christ is our guide. Christ is our hope. Christ is our salvation. Christ is our holy word. Christ is in our virtuousness. Christ is in our humility. Christ is in our dignity. Christ is in our charity. Christ is in our humbleness. We dedicate our spirit to Christ. We dedicate our holy actions to Christ. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is our divine protection. Father God forgives us through our lord jesus the nazarene christ. During Final Judgement Day,Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ will Judge the few souls of Hell and souls of Abraham's Bossom. Just After Death, Judgement Comes. Final Judgement will come during Next Coming of the Blessed Holy Word Jesus the Nazarene Christ. 
Saint Paul wrote " I thank Christ in every prayer of mine, that ye may continue and persevere in good works looking for that which is promised in the day of judgment."
Our Prayers are based on the words of christ. We thank christ in our prayers. We receive miracles of prayers by father god through lord jesus the Nazarene christ. Through Words, Lord Jesus Christ performed miracles. Through Words, Lord Jesus Christ cured many diseases. Through Words, Lord Jesus Christ healed many persons and restored the sights of blinds. Lord Jesus Christ was himself the Word. By His Words, He controlled the Body and Spirit. By His Words, He controlled the air and water. His Words were everlasting. There was Spirit of Truth in the Holy Jesus Christ, He spoke and Word became True. Spirit of Jesus Christ was a part of the spirit of truth. He was the incarnation of God. He was the incarnation of the Holy eternal divine word. 

✝️➕[The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Laodiceans]✝️➕
✝️➕[The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Laodiceans 1:3]✝️➕
✝️➕[Chapter 1]
3. I thank Christ in every prayer of mine, that ye may continue and persevere in good works looking for that which is promised in the day of judgment.


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