➕✝️⛪[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Obey the Father of Spirit [Hebrews 12:9]➕✝️⛪

➕✝️Special Notes✝️➕ :- 
Father of Spirit is greater than the Father of Flesh. Human is imperfect. Father of Flesh is also imperfect. Human does errors due to his imperfections. Father of Flesh also does errors due to his imperfections. Father God is the father of spirit. Father of Spirit is greater than the Father of Flesh. Father of Spirit is errorless. Father of Spirit is pure divine. Father of Spirit is the protector of Spirit. Father of Flesh takes care of us because He guides us towards God. Obey the Father of Flesh and Obey the Father of Spirit. Put Father of Spirit God first. Father of Flesh worships the Father of Spirit. Father of Flesh obeys the Father of Spirit. So Father of Spirit is greater than the Father of Flesh. Father of Spirit is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, He protects the Person through Holy Spirit because Holy Spirit is guide. Father of Flesh is not omniscient. Father of Flesh is not omnipotent and Father of Flesh is not omnipresent. Father of Spirit is Almighty. Father of Spirit is Divine. Father of Flesh is Human. Father of Spirit is Immortal. Father of Flesh is Mortal. Father of Spirit is Unborn. Father of Flesh is Born. Father of Spirit is Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word. Father of Flesh is not Word Because Some times, Words of the Father of Flesh become False. Father of Spirit always Speak True But Father of Flesh speaks both words, True Words and False Words. Father of Spirit is the Divine Word. Father of Flesh is the Mortal Simple Word. There are miracles in the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word. There are no miracles in the Mortal Simple Word. Father of Spirit is Sinless But Father of Flesh is Sinner Because Every Persons are Sinners. Father of Spirit is healer. There is peace in the father of spirit. Father of Spirit is rescuer. There is pure divine nature in the Father of Spirit. There is mortal human nature in the Father of Flesh. Mortal Human Nature is full of errors. Mortal Human Nature is rude. Mortal Human Nature is full of anger and full of sorrow. There is stubbornness in the Mortal Human Nature. Mortal Human Nature is Imperfect. Mortal Human Nature breaks the heart of persons. Mortal Human Nature hurts the Persons. Mortal Human Nature insults the Persons. 
Father of Spirit is the Father of holiness and Father of Purity. There is impurity in the Mortal Human Nature. Through Holy Words, Purity enters in the Mortal Human Nature. Holy words of the Father of Spirit purify the 'mind and heart ' of the Father of Flesh. There are impurities of Anger and impurities of Violence in the Father of Flesh, There are impurities of evil words in the Father of Flesh So Some times Father of Flesh speaks the evil words. Holy words remove the impurities from the father of flesh. Holy words remove the evil words from the father of flesh. Father of Flesh is our first teacher and first guide. Father of Flesh decorates the life of his sons. In the Guidance of the father of flesh, Sons Strive and thrive. In the Guidance of the father of flesh, Sons grow.
Father of Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. There is only virtuousness reside in the Father of Spirit. There is divine humbleness in the Father of Spirit. There is divine mercy in the father god. There is divine love in the father god. There is divine holiness in the father god.
Father of Flesh is our  instructors and We reverence them. In the guidance of Father of Flesh, We grew. Father of Flesh learnt us holy words. Father of Flesh taught us holy words. Father of Flesh guided us towards Virtuousness through Holy words. Father of Flesh taught us about Holy Love and Holy Mercy So Parents are our first teacher.   In the time of trouble, Father of Flesh helped us. Father of Flesh taught us about Holy Faith. We knew the Word 'God' through the words of the Father of Flesh. We knew the word 'Holy Spirit' through the words of the Father of Flesh. We learnt the holy words by the father of flesh.
Prophets guided their Sons towards Father God. Prophets were in the God's Grace and Their Sons were in the God's Grace. Prophets faced the difficulties of the Tough Time, Their Sons also faced the difficulties of the Tough Time. Father God rescued the Prophets and Father God rescued the Sons of Prophets. Prophets did errors and Their Sons also did errors. Father of Flesh guides his sons towards holy faith as Prophet Abraham guided his sons towards his holy faith and Prophet Enoch guided his sons towards his holy faith. So Obey the father of flesh and Obey the father of Spirit.
Sons knew the holy words through the father of flesh. Sons knew faith through the father of flesh. Sons knew the father of spirit through the father of flesh. Sons knew the virtuousness through the father of flesh. Father of Flesh taught wisdom to his sons. 
Father of Spirit is the most merciful father, He forgives our sins through Holy words of Prayers, He forgives our sins through confessions, repentance and Holy actions, He creates good future for us because He is the creator of Time. He is the omniscient, He knows our past, our present and our future, He controls the Time, He changes the Time and He creates good future for us. Holy words of the father of Spirit are medicines, Holy Words of the Father of Spirit are the healer, Proof was the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ which cured many diseases by holy words. There was the spirit of truth in the spirit of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. In other words, Spirit of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was a part of the Spirit of Truth. 
Saint Paul wrote in his letter " 
Moreover we have had fathers of our flesh, for instructors, and we reverenced them: shall we not much more obey the Father of spirits, and live?"

✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️
✝️[Hebrews 12:9]✝️
9. Moreover we have had fathers of our flesh, for instructors, and we reverenced them: shall we not much more obey the Father of spirits, and live?


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