⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Letter of King Abgarus to Jesus [The Incarnation of God] [THE EPISTLES of JESUS CHRIST and ABGARUS KING of EDESSA] [1:4] [Chapter 1]

Special Notes :- Only God makes impossible to possible because God is omniscient,omnipotent and omnipresent. Spirit takes birth from Spirit. Supreme Holy Spirit Father God produced the Lord Jesus Christ through Holy Spirit. In other words, Supreme Holy Spirit produced the Spirit of Jesus Christ through Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus Christ made impossible to possible. Only God is able to make impossible to possible. Without Herbs and Medicines, Lord Jesus Christ cured the diseased persons and with in few minutes, He cured the Persons by his holy words. It was the impossible work, Simple Person cannot do it. Without Medicines and Herbs, Lord Jesus Christ restored the sight of the Blind Persons by his holy words, It was a sign that He was a part of God because It was impossible work. Lord Jesus Christ restored the legs of lame by his holy words, It means that Spirit of Truth himself was in the body of lord jesus christ. Lord Jesus Christ raised the dead by his words, It means he himself was the God.
The Miracles of the Blessed Lord Jesus Christ were the proof that His Spirit was a part of the spirit of truth, So He was Lord and Son of God.
There was the holy divine energy of the holy divine word inside lord jesus the nazarene christ, Power of holy divine energy worked like herbs and medicines and cured the diseases of the persons. Holy divine energy of the holy divine word restored the sight of blind persons automatically through clay. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the incarnation of the creator god. In his childhood, He created birds by clay and He inserted life in them. Spirit of the Creator God was in the Spirit of Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, Spirit of Lord Jesus Christ was a part of the spirit of truth. Due to this, Time, Spirit, water, air, Body and Death were obeying the living words of the Blessed Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. There was the divine breathe in the Body of Lord Jesus Christ. Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ was the holy sacred blood. His Sacred Blood washes away the sins of sinners by holy words of holy prayers. Lord Jesus Christ had authority to forgive the sins. By his Authority, He was forgiving the sins of the sinners. Lord Jesus Christ was the Son of God and He was the incarnation of God. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit is the one holy trinity. Holy Trinity is the one most high god.
King Abgarus wrote in his letter " 
All which when I heard, I was persuaded of one of these two, viz: either that you are God himself descended from heaven, who do these things, or the son of God. "

4. All which when I heard, I was persuaded of one of these two, viz: either that you are God himself descended from heaven, who do these things, or the son of God.


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