Sunday, September 22, 2024

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Discipleship [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 55] ⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Discipleship [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 55] ⛪✝️

Special Notes :- Every Sinners need Virtuousness and Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus Christ did welcome the Sinners. Every Sinner needs the forgiveness of sins. Every Sinners need the purity of heart. Souls of Sinners require the sanctification. Those who do not respect their parents they require Lord Jesus Christ and the words of Lord Jesus Christ very much. Holy words rectify the errors of the humans. Holy words rectify the thoughts of the persons. Holy Positive Energy of the Holy words guide the persons towards the obedience. Due to holy words, Persons obey their parents and Holy Trinity. Holy words of Lord Jesus Christ teaches about Love and Mercy. Holy words of Lord Jesus Christ teaches about humbleness and humility. Love your parents. Love your brothers and Love your sisters. Put God First. Your Parents may do errors or Your brothers and your sisters may do errors because They are humans and Humans do errors. Forgive your parents. Forgive your brothers and your sisters. God is our spiritual father. Our Spiritual Father guides us towards the Holy words of the Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Leave your father's errorful religion and Come towards Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ will teach you about Peace of Mind by Holy Spirit. Our Master Lord Jesus Christ will teach you about Love, Mercy, humility and forgiveness by Holy Spirit. Our Master Lord Jesus Christ will teach you about honesty, faithfulness and holy cross by Holy Spirit. Holy Cross is the Symbol of Discipline, hard work, tolerance and holy sacrifice. Live in Discipline, Discipline is the cause of the humbleness, humility, virtuousness and holiness. Do Hard work, Do Prayers, Do meditation and Do Adoration. Earn virtues by your hard work. Do hard work as labours and Labours deserve for their wages. Practice virtuousness in your life. Practice the virtuous actions in your life. Holy words attract the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit resides in the Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Holy Spirit guides us towards the Holy actions and the Virtuousness. 
There are diseases of sins in the Sinners. There are errors of sins in the Sinners. Souls of Sinners are in the trap of Sins. So Souls of Sinners are weak and poor. Holy words cure the disease of the Sinners. Holy words remove the errors of sins and fill the Holy virtuous thoughts of the Holy Virtuous words in the Human Mind. Every Sinners need the refuge of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you hate your father and your mother then you need the Lord Jesus Christ most because Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus Christ will teach you about Peace, love, mercy and obedience. By the Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, You will learn about tolerance and forgiveness. In the dictionary of Lord Jesus Christ, There are no words like 'hate and hatred '. Learn Holy Obedience. Firstly Be obedient to God. Then Be obedient to your Parents. Love your family, Love your tribes and Love your enemies. Spread Love, not hatred. Spread Peace, not war. Every body is sinner. Spread the Holy words of Lord Jesus Christ to your father and your mother. Spread the Holy words of Lord Jesus Christ to your brothers and your sisters. Bring your parents in the Holy refuge of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Bring your brothers and your sisters in the Holy refuge of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. 
Lord Jesus Christ of heaven is our spiritual teacher. Lord Jesus Christ is our spiritual tutor. Lord Jesus Christ is our spiritual success. Lord Jesus Christ is our salvation. Lord Jesus Christ is our saviour. Every Sinners need the spiritual teacher and the spiritual tutor. Spiritual teacher is the cause of the eternal life of heaven and the eternal joy. Spiritual teacher is the cause of salvation. 
Our Spiritual Teacher Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ said, "Whoever doesn't hate their father and mother can't become my disciple, and whoever doesn't hate their brothers and sisters and take up their cross like I do isn't worthy of me."

Every Sinners need the Holy Coaching by Our Master Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Holy Coaching resides in the Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. 

⛪[The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 55]⛪

⛪✝️[Saying 55: Discipleship (1)]⛪✝️

Jesus said, "Whoever doesn't hate their father and mother can't become my disciple, and whoever doesn't hate their brothers and sisters and take up their cross like I do isn't worthy of me."


  1. Human Nature is full of errors. Every Humans do errors in their words, their thoughts and their actions. Parents are humans, They also do errors in their words, their thoughts and their actions. So Bible says that Every humans are sinners. Father is human, Mother is human, Brother is human and Sister is human. Difficult Words of the Parents break the heart of their Sons, Their words hurt their sons. Parents should have the tolerance power and Sons also should have the tolerance power. There is the power of forgiveness in the tolerance power. Forgiveness of Tolerance Power forgives the brothers and sisters. Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ taught the persons about love, mercy, forgiveness and virtuousness. Love produces the Mercy. Mercy is the cause of the holy actions. Love is the cause of tolerance and forgiveness. Mercy helps the persons. Lord Jesus Christ of heaven is our spiritual teacher. Parents should show their love and their mercy towards their sons. Sons should obey their parents. Brothers and sisters should love and respect their brothers.
    Lord Jesus Christ taught about Holy obedience. Be obedient to God. Be obedient to your parents. Be obedient to Christ. Follow the holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ and Live in Virtuousness.

  2. Effect of the errors of the words :-
    Sins reside in the errors of words. Every Persons are Sinners. If there are errors in your words, It is Sin. If there are errors in your mind, It is Sin. Anger is the cause of the errors of words. Rudeness is the cause of the errors of words. There are errors of words in the violence. Words break the heart of the persons due to their errors. Words insult the persons due to their errors. Words hurts the mind due to their abusive language. If there are errors of words in 'your thoughts and your mind', It is cause of evil conspiracies and evil fraud.

  3. Effect of Holy words and the powers of holy words :-
    The Words had been perfected in the Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, His Holy words cured the diseases of the persons and restored the health of the persons. His Holy words restored the sights of blind and restored the legs of the Lame. His Holy words raised the dead. Even Doctors cannot restore the sight of the Blind person and cannot restore the legs of the lame. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the incarnation of the Holy divine word. His holy words of the divine words. Holy Jesus Christ was the Lord. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the incarnation of God.
    There are purity and holiness in the Holy words. Holy words teach about love and mercy. Holy words teach about the Peace and Justice. Holy words teach about tolerance and forgiveness. Holy words teach about honesty, humbleness and humility. There is virtuousness in the Holy words. Holy words remove the impurities from the mind. Holy words remove the bad words from mind. Holy words remove the cruel words and sinful words from the person's mind. Holy words are the cause of the God's Grace. Holy words are the cause of the Holy miracles. Holy words heal the wound of the heart by their politeness. Holy words respect the persons and shows humility.


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