
⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Letter of King Abgarus to Jesus [The Small City of King Abgarus] [THE EPISTLES of JESUS CHRIST and ABGARUS KING of EDESSA] [1:7]⛪✝️ [Chapter 1]

Special Notes :- The City of the King Abgarus was small but that city was neat and clean. Holy Spirit guided King Abgarus towards Lord Jesus christ. So King Abgarus wrote a letter to Lord Jesus Christ and invited him because He was knowing that Lord Jesus Christ was in the danger among the Jewish Population, Jews were trying to kill the Jesus Christ by their 'evil conspiracies of evil mind'. Lord Jesus Christ was a divine authority and By his divine authority, He was performing miracles. Lord Jesus Christ was giving refuge to people so He denied to take refuge in the another nation. When Diseased People did not find help anywhere, They found help in the Lord Jesus Christ, They took refuge in the Lord Jesus Christ and Lord Jesus Christ cured his diseases. Lord Jesus Christ did not give up and He was healing the persons among Jewish People without any fear. Diseased Persons as refugees were taking refuge in the Lord Jesus Christ and Lord Jesus Christ as the divine authority cure...

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Letter of King Abgarus to Jesus [The Envious Plot of Jews] [THE EPISTLES of JESUS CHRIST and ABGARUS KING of EDESSA] [1:6] [Chapter 1] ✝️⛪

Special Notes :- The holy divine words of the blessed holy lord jesus the nazarene christ were different from the teachings of the jews and During Sabbath, Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ healed the persons, cured the disease of the persons and casted out demons from human bodies, These miraculous healings and miraculous curings had been forbidden during sabbath day in the old testament,These activies were the cause of the envious fury of Jews and It was the cause of the envious plot of jews. They were plotting against Lord Jesus Christ. Although Lord Jesus Christ performed many miracles. On Sabbath day, He performed 7 miracles, 7 Miracles of Jesus Christ during Sabbath :- 1) Jesus Healed Simon Peter’s Mother-in-Law  2) Jesus healed a man with a withered hand 3) Jesus healed a man born blind 4) Jesus healed a crippled woman 5) Jesus healed a man with Dropsy 6) Jesus drove out an evil spirit 7) Jesus healed a lame man by the pool of Bethesda  As per Jewish Law, Healing works wer...

✝️⛪[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Perfection of Divine Oath [Hebrews 7:28] [From My Facebook Post]✝️⛪

[ Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Perfection of Divine Oath [Hebrews 7:28] Special Notes :- There was infirmity in the Mortal Law. There was infirmity in the Mortal words of Mortal Law. Mortal Words of Mortal Law were made by Mortal Human Priests. Humans themselves are Mortal and Imperfect. Knowledge of Humans are Limit. In other words, Human Wisdom is Limit. Limit Knowledge has the limit words, Infirmity of Limit Words cannot know the Limitless Holy God. Limitless Holy God is beyond Limit Words and Limit Wisdom. Human Prophets explained the Limitless Holy God in their Imperfect Limit Knowledge. Mortal law made mortal Priests , Words of Mortal Priests are Mortal. There are infirmity of Words in the Mortal Priesthood, There are no Salvation in the Infirmity of Words in the Mortal Priesthood. Holy Word of God created the Man, Holy Word of God created everything on Earth Mortal So Everything on Earth is Mortal except Soul . After Certain Time, Death destroys every mortal things on Ear...

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Holy Divine Priest [Hebrews 7:26] [From My Facebook Post]

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Holy Divine Priest [Hebrews 7:26] Special Notes :- Divine Wisdom of Holy Eternal Divine Word Created the Holy Eternal Divine Knowledge. Divine Knowledge created the Holy Knowledge and Holy Knowledge created the Virtuous Knowledge. Holy Eternal Divine Priest is himself the Divine Wisdom. Holy Divine Priest is one. Holy Trinity is Holy Divine Priest. God the Father is Holy Divine Priest, God the Son Jesus Christ the Nazarene is Holy Divine Priest and God the Holy Spirit is Holy Divine Priest. Holy Eternal Divine force of Holy Divine Energy of Holy Eternal Divine Words of Holy Divine Priest created the Whole Universe. Holy Divine Priest created the Heavens and Earth.  Virtuous Holy Spiritual Character and Holy Divine Character both resides in the Spirit of Holy Divine Priest. There are Spiritual Peace and Divine Peace both reside in the Spirit of Holy Divine Priest. There are Holy Spiritual Patience and Holy Divine Patience reside in the Spirit ...

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Letter of King Abgarus to Jesus [The Disease of King Abgarus] [THE EPISTLES of JESUS CHRIST and ABGARUS KING of EDESSA] [1:5] [Chapter 1]

Special Notes :-  Lord Jesus christ became famous by his miraculous curings. King Abagarus also heard the news of miraculous curings through his people of his kingdom. He was suffering from inner disease and he invited jesus to visit to his kingdom for curing his disease. King Abgarus was amazed by the jesus's way of curing for disease. Without herbs and medicines, Lord Jesus Christ was healing the people. The Words of the Lord Jesus Christ was curing the disease and restoring the health of the persons, These miraculous activities of the Lord Jesus Christ astonished the King Abgarus. The Divine Energy of the Holy Divine Words of the Blessed Lord Jesus Christ was like the medicines and the herbs. Living words were taking miraculous actions inside human bodies. Creator of Body was himself in the living holy divine words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Creator of Body is the healer of the Body. Spirit of the Creator was himself in the Spirit of Lord Jesus Christ....

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Letter of King Abgarus to Jesus [The Incarnation of God] [THE EPISTLES of JESUS CHRIST and ABGARUS KING of EDESSA] [1:4] [Chapter 1]

Special Notes :- Only God makes impossible to possible because God is omniscient,omnipotent and omnipresent. Spirit takes birth from Spirit. Supreme Holy Spirit Father God produced the Lord Jesus Christ through Holy Spirit. In other words, Supreme Holy Spirit produced the Spirit of Jesus Christ through Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus Christ made impossible to possible. Only God is able to make impossible to possible. Without Herbs and Medicines, Lord Jesus Christ cured the diseased persons and with in few minutes, He cured the Persons by his holy words. It was the impossible work, Simple Person cannot do it. Without Medicines and Herbs, Lord Jesus Christ restored the sight of the Blind Persons by his holy words, It was a sign that He was a part of God because It was impossible work. Lord Jesus Christ restored the legs of lame by his holy words, It means that Spirit of Truth himself was in the body of lord jesus christ. Lord Jesus Christ raised the dead by his words, It means he himself was the...

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Letter of King Abgarus to Jesus [The Divine Healer] [THE EPISTLES of JESUS CHRIST and ABGARUS KING of EDESSA] [1:3] [Chapter 1]

Special Notes :-  God of Our Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word and Spirit of Truth. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word is a Divine Word. Divine Word is unborn. Divine Word neither takes birth nor dies. Divine Word is Eternal. Divine Word is the creator which created the Whole Universe by his divine force. Divine Word created the Body and produced Spirit. Divine Word created the every creatures of the Universe. Only Divine Word is truth on Earth and Except Divine Word, Every thing on Earth is Illussion because Every thing is Mortal on Earth. Divine Word created the breathe and Divine Word created the five senses. Divine Word connected the Spirit to the Body. Divine Word connected cells of the Body to each other. Father God is the Divine Word. Divine Word produced the Divine Word. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, Son of God is the Divine Word. Holy Spirit is the Divine Word. God the Father, God the Son Lord Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit is one hol...