⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Letter of King Abgarus to Jesus [The Divine Healer] [THE EPISTLES of JESUS CHRIST and ABGARUS KING of EDESSA] [1:3] [Chapter 1]

Special Notes :- God of Our Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word and Spirit of Truth. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word is a Divine Word. Divine Word is unborn. Divine Word neither takes birth nor dies. Divine Word is Eternal. Divine Word is the creator which created the Whole Universe by his divine force. Divine Word created the Body and produced Spirit. Divine Word created the every creatures of the Universe. Only Divine Word is truth on Earth and Except Divine Word, Every thing on Earth is Illussion because Every thing is Mortal on Earth. Divine Word created the breathe and Divine Word created the five senses. Divine Word connected the Spirit to the Body. Divine Word connected cells of the Body to each other. Father God is the Divine Word. Divine Word produced the Divine Word. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, Son of God is the Divine Word. Holy Spirit is the Divine Word. God the Father, God the Son Lord Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit is one holy trinity. Holy Trinity is one divine word, not three. In other words, Holy Trinity is one supreme holy eternal divine word. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word created the Time and controlled the Time. Divine Word is the living word. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word is the creator of Life. Divine Word is the Divine Healer. 
Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was himself the incarnation of the Divine Word, His Living Words cured the diseases of the persons by the living divine energy, His living words healed the persons by the living divine energy, His living words restored the sight of the blind by the living divine energy, His living words restored the legs of the Lame by the living divine energy, His living words cleansed the lepers by the living divine energy, His living words casted out devils and demons from the Human Bodies by the living divine energy, His living words restored the health of the persons who had been long diseased by the living divine energy, His living words raised up the dead by the living divine energy. Time obeyed the Holy Words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Death obeyed the Holy Living words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Spirit obeyed the Holy Living Words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Holy Living Words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ were the order of the Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Truth himself was speaking through Lord Jesus Christ.
King Abgarus appreciated the miraculous healing and wrote in his letter " For it is reported, that you cause the blind to see, the lame to walk, do both cleanse lepers, and cast out unclean spirits and devils, and restore them to health who have been long diseased, and raisest up the dead; "

3 For it is reported, that you cause the blind to see, the lame to walk, do both cleanse lepers, and cast out unclean spirits and devils, and restore them to health who have been long diseased, and raisest up the dead;


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