[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Endless Love of The

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Endless Love of The Unborn God [1 John 3 :16 ]

Special Notes :- The Real form of the Unborn God is the Soul, The Soul of the Unborn God is called the Supreme Soul or Supreme Spirit. The Supreme Soul is consist of both male and female. The Unborn Supreme Soul is endless,Unlimit and Infinite. The Human form of the Unborn Supreme Soul is the Unborn God. The Unborn Supreme Soul generated the largest womb,There was the whole Universe in that womb and The Unborn God took birth as the Child. Due to Supremacy of his Soul, The Unborn God soonly became young and He created the whole Universe. Due to Supremacy of his Soul, The Unborn Father God got every wisdom and every knowledge automatically. The Unborn Father God is the creator of 'all knowledge and all wisdom'.The Unborn Father God is the creator of every word. The Unborn Father God is the creator of the word 'Love and Mercy ' . The Unborn Father God created the man in his image. The father god is the endless ocean of the 'love and mercy '.The Love of the father god is Unlimit .The father god is the creator of the luck. The father god sacrificed his most beloved son the Jesus christ for us, The Son of Unborn God, a part of God,Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for us , This shows the infinite love of our father god so We must sacrifice our life for the saving the life of our brothers and our neighbours. We are living in the mercy of God. We are living in the infinite love of the Unborn Father God. There is the brotherhood in the father-hood of the God.

1 John 3:16
We know the love of God in this way: because he laid down his life for us. And so, we must lay down our lives for our brothers.

Pawan Upadhyay Bible :-


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