[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The illusion of the worldly substances [ 1 John 3 :17 ]

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The illusion of the worldly substances [1 John 3 :17 ]

Special Notes :- The Worldly desires and the worldly substances are only illusion,It is not real. The worldly desires and the worldly substances are the cause of all sorrows. The worldly desires and the worldly substances are mortal, not real. The Mortal things only please the mortal body,not soul. The Love of the mortal things are the love of fake worldly desires, It is only illusion,It is the cause of every sorrow. The Mortal things are never real. There is no happiness in the mortal things. Only, 'The Unborn and Immortal ' Soul is the Real and True, There is the real happiness only in the soul. Living in the Soul is the living in the truth,Living in the worldly substances and worldly desires are living in the false. The 'Unborn and Immortal ' Soul gets the real happiness by the 'Unborn and Immortal ' Supreme Soul, The Father God. The Unborn Father God purifies the soul. The Love of the Unborn Father God is always abide with the virtuous Soul. The Love of the Unborn Father God does not abide with the Unrepentant Sinner Souls, Because The Love of the Unrepentant Sinners towards the God are fake, They love the God due to greed.
Those, who loves the worldly desires and the worldly substances and for the fulfillment of the worldly desires, They worship the God and They ignore the God's words, they do not help the needy people .Their love towards God are fake , They love the only worldly substances, Due to Greed of these worldly goods, They commit the Sin So The Love of the Unborn Father God does not abide with these type of people because They are still living in the Sin. Living in the worldly substances are living in the hidden Sin. Worship the Unborn God with Pure mind. Pray to the father god with pure Mind.

1 John 3:17
Whoever possesses the goods of this world, and sees his brother to be in need, and yet closes his heart to him: in what way does the love of God abide in him?

Pawan Upadhyay Bible :-


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