[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] 1 John 4 : 2

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Unborn Jesus From Unborn God [1 John 4 : 2 ]
Special Notes :- Every Spirit wants to merge with the holy spirit of the God,This is the highest aim of the every Spirit. Some Spirits are always abide with the holy spirit of the God, Some Spirits are always attach with the holy spirit of the God, These Spirits are never detach from the Holy Spirit of God,If Unborn Father God sends one of the Spirit among these Spirits on the earth for establishing the Virtue, truth,Humanity, Peace and True religion, Then that Spirit is called the Son of the Unborn Father God .Unborn Supreme Soul produced the Unborn Souls but Some Spirits are always abide with the Unborn Supreme Spirits. In other words, Some holy Spirits are already merge with the Supreme Spirit. Unborn holy Spirit of the Jesus christ was already merge with the Holy Spirit of God,Unborn holy Spirit of the Jesus christ was already abide with the holy spirit of the father god, Unborn holy Spirit of Jesus Christ was already attach with Holy Spirit of the Unborn Father God. Unborn Father God and Unborn Jesus Christ are one. Jesus himself Said "I and Father are one ".Unborn Jesus Christ was the incarnation of the non-dual Unborn Father God. Unborn Jesus Christ came in the human nature from the divine nature for establishing the kingdom of the Unborn God. From his divine nature, Unborn Jesus Christ showed us the Miracle of the God and From his human nature, Unborn Jesus Christ showed the way of Virtue, truth, Mercy, forgiveness and Humanity. Unborn Jesus Christ was from the Unborn Father God,

Catholic Bible. 1 John 4:2
[2]This is the proof of the spirit of God: any spirit which acknowledges Jesus Christ, come in human nature, is from God,

Pawan Upadhyay Bible :-
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