[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ]

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Hypocrisy of the Antichrist [1 John 4 : 5 ]

Special Notes :- The Sermon of the Antichrists is only heresy and hypocrisy. Their Sermons are based on the greed, worldly pleasure and worldly Society. Their Sermons are very far from the truth. They Preach about the World and Worldly pleasure, They preach about the greed and wealth, Due to their greedful Sermons, World listens the voice of Antichrists,Their hypocrisy cheats the people, Their Sermons of heresy please the Sinners. The Sermons of the Antichrists fear from the truth So Their Sermons are full of false and Sinners love their Sermons, Their Sermons are the gate of hell and the way of hell. They deny the truth and Speak false. Truth is Truth, Truth is hard to accept, Sermons of Truth are difficult so Antichrists condemn the truth. Antichrists kill the animals for pleasing to the fake god. They do not know that Unborn God is the endless ocean of the unlimited mercy, Unborn Father God loves every creatures . Unborn Father God never accept the Sacrifice of any living creatures, Unborn Father God never give permission for killing the any creatures. Sacrifice your praise to the father god, Sacrifice your Sins, Sacrifice your life for saving the any innocent life, Sacrifice your future for saving the innocent life. Unborn Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for us, Unborn Father God was able to save the Jesus christ, But he did not save the Jesus christ, Unborn Father God sacrificed the Jesus christ and He raised the Jesus christ from death,Due to the father god, Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
We Sacrifice our praise to the father god.

1 John 4:5
They are of the world. Therefore, they speak about the world, and the world listens to them.

Catholic Bible

Pawan Upadhyay Bible :-

Pawan Upadhyay


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