[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 3 John 1:1

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Love in Truth [3 John 1:1]
Special Notes :- Supreme Spirit Father God is the Divine Truth. Unborn Jesus Christ of Heaven is the Divine Truth. Unborn Holy Spirit is the Divine Truth. Love in the Commandments of Jesus Christ and Love in the Doctrines of Jesus Christ are the love in truth. Truth will set you free, Soul is Immortal and Body is mortal so Only Soul is real and True and Body is illusion and False. Resurrection is Truth, Every heavenly Soul goes to heaven through Resurrection, Resurrection of Immortal Spirit and Resurrection of Body both are True for heavenly Spirit. Jesus Christ was Unborn,Jesus Christ of Heaven is the incarnation of the Unborn God,Jesus's Spirit and Jesus's Body both were Uncreate so During Resurrection time, Jesus Christ rose from the dead with resurrected body and Jesus went to heaven with the resurrected body. After Death,When any Simple person goes to heaven,During Resurrection time,He receives the new glorified heavenly body and his old dead body is in grave,New glorified heavenly body is the young body, not old body,His old dead body is in Tomb and His Tomb is in the Grave,it is Truth.Jesus Christ was not simple person, He was the God the Son, He was the incarnation of the Unborn God so During Resurrection time, Jesus's Spirit broke the grave and entered in his body, Jesus's Spiritual body merged with the Jesus's physical body,it is Truth. There is the difference between Jesus Christ and Simple person, Jesus Christ was the full of miracle, Jesus Christ was the divine nature, who came in human nature from the divine nature for saving the humanity. Holy Spirit produced the Jesus christ by the womb of Holy Virgin Mary. 'Unborn and Immortal ' Spirit is only truth, Mortal Body is illusion. Resurrection is the Truth. Resurrection of the Spirit and Resurrection of the body both are Truth for heavenly Spirit. Jesus Christ is the eternal peace and Eternal truth. Follow the commandments of the Jesus christ and Follow the Doctrines of the Jesus, Do love in truth. Love your Soul. Mortal body is the cloth of the Soul. Birth is Truth, Death is Truth, After death heavenly life or hell life is truth and Rebirth is Truth. Rebirth is the Resurrection of the Spirit,Life of heaven is the Resurrection of Spirit and Resurrection of Body,it is Truth. Just after death Judgement Comes, Death means that Soul is out of Body or Body is soulless. After the death of Jesus Christ, Jesus's Spirit left his body and again after Judgement, Jesus's Spirit broke his grave and Entered in his dead body and Jesus's Spiritual body merged with the physical body of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ with that body entered in heaven. Jesus Christ was the incarnation of the Unborn God so it was possible.

3 John 1:1
"The ancient to the dearly beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth."
Roman Catholic Bible

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