[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 3 John 1:2

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Prayers make Soul prosperous [3 John 1:2 ]
Special Notes :- The Peace of Soul is the Real peace and real peace of mind. Peaceful Soul is the righteous and follower of the Unborn Father God. Prayers make Soul prosperous and peaceful. Prayers produce the Positive Energy and Positive Energy Makes Soul positive and Sinless, Positive Energy erases the bad thoughts from the person's mind. Due to Negative thoughts, Soul is Unpeaceful and Soul attracts towards Sin. Negative Energy produces the Negative thoughts. Prayers and Meditation remove the Negative thoughts and fill the Positive thoughts in the person's mind. Prayers and Meditation Solve the all problem of the Soul. Prayers are the holy word, Meditation is the Holy word and Holy Jesus and Holy God are holy word So Worship the Holy Word. Holy Trinity is the Holy eternal Word and Holy word is the Holy communication between us and Holy God, Holy word is the Holy Communion. We talk to Unborn Father God through holy word, we talk to Unborn Jesus Christ through holy word and we talk to holy Spirit through holy word. We talk, ask and do request to holy Trinity through holy word. Holy Conversation is the Holy word. Holy Trinity listens us through holy word. Holy Trinity talks to us through holy word. Holy positive thoughts are the holy word.
So Worship the Holy word. Do not worship idols, There is no God in idols. God is in the Holy word. Jesus Christ is in the Holy word and Holy spirit is in the Holy word. Holy Trinity is one and Holy Trinity is in the Holy word.

3 John 1:2
"Dearly beloved, concerning all things I make it my prayer that thou mayest proceed prosperously, and fare well as thy soul doth prosperously."

Roman Catholic Bible

Pawan Upadhyay Bible :-


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