⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Destruction of Sin [Hebrews 9:26] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Destruction of Sin [Hebrews 9:26] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Special Notes :- By Holy Jesus Christ, Purity conquered the Impurity. By Holy Jesus Christ, Holiness conquered the Unholiness. There was Spirit of Truth in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. In other words, Spirit of Jesus Christ was a part of Spirit of Truth. Spirit of Truth which created the Whole Universe. That Spirit of Truth was speaking through Holy Jesus Christ. Spirit of Truth created the World Mortal, Due to Mortalness, World is full of Sorrows. Sorrow which broke the Prophet Abraham. Sorrow which tested the Prophet Moses and Jews of Egypt. Sorrow which was the cause of the fear of Daniel. Sorrow which was the cause of the fear of David. That Sorrow killed the Innocent Holy Jesus Christ But Holy Jesus Christ conquered the Sorrow by his Resurrection and Holy Jesus Christ entered in the Eternal Spiritual Peace, Eternal Spiritual Happiness and Eternal Spiritual Joy of Heavens through Resurrection Where There were no death and no Sorrow. Spirit of Truth inside Holy Jesus Christ spoke Truth and Mortal Humans executed the Holy Jesus Christ due to True Words of Holy Jesus Christ But Mortal Humans could not execute the Immortal Spirit of Jesus Christ because Spirit of Holy Jesus Christ was beyond the Punishments. Sufferings are the truth of this Mortal World because Father God created the Earth and Earthly Creatures Mortal So Sorrow of Death is Truth on Earth. Difficult Time always creates problem for earthly creatures. Difficult Time is the cause of Sorrow. Difficult Time was the cause of the fear of Prophet Abraham. Difficult Time was the cause of the emotional sorrows of Prophet Abraham. Difficult Time was the cause of the fear of Prophet Moses and Jews. There was fear of Death in the difficult time of Daniel. There was fear of Death in the difficult time of David. Father God saved Prophet Abraham, Prophet Moses, Daniel and David. There were Sorrows of Sufferings in the heart of Every Prophets. Sorrow of Sufferings were Tough, full of Pain and Horrific.
Difficult Time killed the God the Son Holy Jesus Christ But After Death, God the Son Holy Jesus Christ conquered the Difficult Time and entered in the eternal life of Heaven where There were no death and no difficult time.
There are Sorrow of Death in every Mortal earthly creatures. Earth and Earthly Creatures are mortal and There are Sorrow of Death in Mortalness. Father God himself created the Sorrow of Death for earthly creatures.
Sin is the cause of the Sufferings of Humans. Due to Mortalness, Humans are not Perfect So They do errors and Due to errors, They do Sins. There are only Sufferings of Souls in Sins because Souls of Sinners get horrible punishment in Hell. So For Every Spirits, forgiveness of sins are compulsory. Without forgiveness of sins, There are no heavens for Spirits because Through forgiveness of sins, Spirits are purified by the grace of God. Holy Jesus Christ was came to earth for the Salvation of Persons. God the Son Jesus Christ spoke truth and Mortal Humans punished the God the Son Holy Jesus Christ for True Statement through Crucifixion. Spirit of Truth never speaks lie. There was Spirit of Truth speaking through Holy Jesus Christ during the punishment of Crucifixion. God the Son Holy Jesus Christ sacrificed his true words to God the Father. By Speaking True Words, God the Son Holy Jesus Christ sacrificed himself because Mortal Humans were not ready to listen the true words of Holy Jesus Christ . They hated the True words of Holy Jesus Christ So They killed the God the Son Holy Jesus Christ through the punishment of Crucifixion. Mortal Humans hated the Truth and accepted the False So They executed the Innocent Holy Jesus Christ publicly with their horrific cruelty. Warriors were crucifying the innocent peaceful weak human body of Divine Spirit. Despite this, Miraculous Man Holy Jesus Christ was praying to God on Holy Cross for the forgiveness of Sins of Those Humans and Those Crowds. Roman Warriors were humiliating the Holy Jesus Christ and Crowds were trying to lynching the Holy Jesus Christ. Finally Crowds and Romans did the most horrific sin , They Crucified the most holy God the Son Jesus Christ. God's Commandments tell that " You can not kill ", But Jewish Crowds killed the Holy Jesus Christ. They killed the Holy Jesus Christ legally through Illegal Manners due to blindness of Roman Law. Their Blames were False. They killed only body, not Spirit. Divine Spirit of Jesus Christ was Unborn and Immortal. By his divine spirit, Holy Jesus Christ rose from dead. Divine Spirit of Holy Jesus Christ was the cause of the Bodily Resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ.
Lord Jesus Christ is our shepherd. He sacrificed his life for the destruction of the Sins of World. Lord Jesus Christ forgives the Sins. There are eternal life in Holy Jesus Christ.

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible]
Hebrews 9:26
26. For then he ought to have suffered often from the beginning of the world: but now once at the end of ages, he hath appeared for the destruction of sin, by the sacrifice of himself.


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