⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Holy Teacher [Hebrews 5:12]

⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible ]The Holy Teacher [Hebrews 5:12]
Special Notes :- Divine Teacher is our Divine Guide . Divine Teacher teaches the divine word. Divine Teacher is Holy Trinity himself. In other words,Holy Trinity is himself the divine teacher. There is miracle in Divine Teacher, Divine Teacher is holy teacher but Holy Teacher is not divine teacher. Holy teacher performs miracles by the Holy word of divine teacher, Holy Teacher depends on the divine teacher. Holy Teacher teaches the virtuousness and holy word of divine teacher Holy Trinity. He teaches the God's word. The Holy word of Holy Teacher produces the Positive Energy in the Person's Mind. Positive Energy produces the Positive thoughts and Positive thoughts produce the Peace and Virtuousness. Jesus Christ the Nazarene was both divine teacher and Holy Teacher.
First Principle of God's word is, You need milk, not solid food. No human is Perfect, Solid Food is only for Perfect Person. Only Jesus Christ was perfect divine human. Imperfect Person is unable to digest solid food and He becomes sick . Imperfect person is able to digest only milk as Vitamins . Every Person is sinner so He needs forgiveness of sins. Forgiveness of Sins comes in the Person's Spirit through confession, repentance and Prayers, This is Milk as Vitamins. Only Perfect Person is able to digest solid food as Vitamins Because Perfect Person is sinless and Miraculous. There is the Perfection in the Perfect Person. Spirit of Perfect Person is solid and strong, His Spirit is about to go heaven after death. Only Jesus Christ was Perfect Person. Due to his divine perfection, Jesus Christ rose from dead and Jesus Christ performed many miracles. Imperfect person needs forgiveness of sins and he needs to do Virtuous actions for the eternal life. Perfect Person already has eternal life.

⛪ Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition Hebrews 5:12
For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need some one to teach you again the first principles of God's word. You need milk, not solid food;


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