⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Divine warrior [Hebrews 10:13]

⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Divine warrior [Hebrews 10:13]
Special Notes :- Holy Trinity is the Most holy divine priest and Most holy divine miraculous warrior because He is the Miraculous and the Holy Saviour. God the Son Jesus Christ was the divine priest from divine priest and Divine Warrior from Divine Warrior. He conquered his enemy 'Death' by his Resurrection. There were two enemies of Holy Jesus Christ 1) Death 2) Difficult Time. Jesus Christ faced the difficult time for the Short Period and Received the Holy Eternal Life of Heaven for ever and ever. During Crucifixion, There were horrible Pains in the Punishment of Death , Neither Death nor Difficult Time could destroy Jesus Christ. By His Bodily Resurrection, Divine Priest Jesus Christ stunned the Death. Death only damaged the Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ, Death only destroyed the Holy Body of Jesus Christ because Death was unable to destroy the Divine Spirit of Jesus Christ . Enemy of Holy Jesus Christ, Death Insulted the Jesus Christ, Death mocked the Holy Jesus Christ, Death derided the Holy Jesus Christ and Death was the most cruel for Holy Jesus Christ because Death crucified the Holy Jesus Christ. Despite this, Divine Priest Lord Jesus Christ loved the Death So Jesus Christ did not speak false, Jesus Christ spoke truth because There was Spirit of Truth in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ spoke Truth and Death created the Tough Circumstances for Holy Jesus Christ by his friend difficult Time. Jesus Christ Said "Love your Enemy ". Divine Priest loved his both enemies 'death and difficult time'. Most horrific Difficult Time of Death killed the Divine Priest Most holy Jesus Christ mercilessly. In other words, Death and Difficult Time attacked on Divine Priest Jesus Christ But By his divinity of Holy Divine words, Divine Priest conquered the Death and Difficult Time. Death and Difficult Time attacked But Divine Priest Holy Jesus Christ defeated his both enemies by his Bodily Resurrection and his Divinity .
Death and Difficult Time are enemies of Every Persons. Persons are unable to defeat the Death and difficult time So Death hunts the persons by his difficult time. Difficult Time is horrific and Death is horrible. Without help of Divine Priest Most Holy Jesus Christ, Persons are unable to tackle the Difficult Time. Holy Trinity removes the Bad time from person's life and brings the Good Time in the Person's Life.
There are forgiveness of Sins in the Divine character of Divine gentleness. Divine gentleness is the most merciful, He is our Savior. Evil Person does not leave his evilness and Father God does not leave his kindness. There are addiction of Sins in the evil persons due to Greed. Evil persons do harm the Virtuous Persons, Virtuous Persons depend on the Father God for assistance because Virtuous Persons are weak in front of Evil Persons. Virtuous Faith of Virtuous Person is in the Father God, Virtuous Faith of Virtuous Person is in the Divine Priest Holy Jesus Christ. Holy Trinity saves the Virtuous Persons. There are virtuous assistance of Virtuous Persons in Divine Holy Trinity. Divine Holy Trinity is the destroyer of Evil Persons and Saviour of the Virtuous Persons.

⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible ]
Hebrews 10:13
13. From henceforth expecting, until his enemies be made his footstool.


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