⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Most Holy Will [Hebrews 10:9] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Most Holy Will [Hebrews 10:9] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Special Notes :- Jesus's will was in the Father God and Father God's will was in the Jesus Christ. Holy will did will in the divine will and Divine will did will in Holy Will So Holy Will and Divine Will was one. Father God's will is the Divine will. Divine Will is in the Holy Divine Words. Divine will is divine truth because Divine will is the creator of will and Creator of Will is the creator of truth. There is the will of Divine Will in the Holy Will, Holy will of the Divine Will is the Kingdom of God, There is the kingdom of heaven in the Kingdom of God, There are holiness and purity in the Divine Will , Divine Will produced the Holy Will for the fulfillment of his Will So Divine will produced his divine Son Holy Jesus Christ . Divine Will is a Divine Light who enlightens the Spirit. There is kingdom of Heaven in the Divine Will. There is Salvation in the Divine Will. Jesus Christ was himself a Salvation. Word 'Jesus' is himself a divine word, It means that God is Salvation. Word 'Jesus ' is himself a Supreme divine Word. There is Holy Trinity in the Word 'Jesus'. Word 'Jesus' defines the Word 'God'. Jesus Christ defined the Kingdom of Heaven and Jesus Christ defined the Kingdom of Divine Majesty. Creator Father God was in the Spirit of Jesus Christ and Creator was in the Word 'Jesus Christ '. There was incarnation of Divine Majesty Holy Father God in the Word 'Jesus Christ '. Divine Word 'Jesus ' conquered the Death, Hell and Time. The Most Holy Will of Supreme Divine Will was in the Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ fulfilled the Divine Will. Resurrection of Jesus Christ was the Resurrection of Holy will. Holy will merged in the Divine Will through Resurrection. Resurrection of Holy Will was the Resurrection of Hope Where There were hopes of the disciples of Jesus Christ in the Jesus Christ's Will. Virtuous Holy hope did hope in the divine Hope. Mortal hope also did hope in the Virtuous Holy Hope of divine hope because There was forgiveness of Sins in the Virtuous Holy Will of Virtuous Holy Hope and Virtuous Holy Will and Divine Will were one, Virtuous Holy Hope and Divine Hope were one because Jesus Christ and Father God are one. Jesus Christ as Human had the Virtuous Holy Will and Virtuous Holy Hope.
The resurrection of holy Jesus Christ was the resurrection of holy body of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ.

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible] ⛪
⛪ ⛪ ⛪ Hebrews 10:9 ⛪ ⛪ ⛪
9. Then said I: Behold, I come to do thy will, O God: he taketh away the first, that he may establish that which followeth.

[The Miraculous Pawan Upadhyay Bible by the miraculous writer Pawan Upadhyay (Miracles Since Year 2003) .]


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