[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Eternal High Priest [Hebrews 10:21]

⛪[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Eternal High Priest [Hebrews 10:21] 
Special Notes :- Priesthood had been perfected and completed in the Spirit of Holy Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ was the Most Holy High Priest of the House of Father God. Holy Eternal High Priest was the priest of Holy Supreme Divine Priest. There was the most high priest in the House of Father God because Kingdom of Father God was always with the most holy high priest Jesus Christ. There is the most high priest in the House of the Holy Father God, He is in the Heaven with Father God. Holy God praised the most high priest, Most High Priest praised the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Priest and Supreme Divine Priesthood praised the Priesthood of Holy Jesus Christ because There were miracles in the Priesthood of Holy Lord Jesus Christ. Divine Priest Holy Jesus Christ was the Holy Son of Holy Supreme Eternal Divine Priest Father God because He was Unborn and Uncreate. Lord Jesus Christ was the Priest of Priests. Divine Priest Lord Jesus Christ rectified the errors of Mortal Priesthood. Mercy of Priesthood had been perfected in the Divine Priesthood of Holy Jesus Christ. Love of Priesthood had been perfected in the Divine Love of Holy Jesus Christ. There were no errors in the 'Love and Mercy ' of the Lord Jesus Christ. Love was the Holy Love of Supreme Divine Love in the Divine love of Lord Jesus Christ. Mercy was the Holy Mercy of Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Mercy in the Divine Mercy of Lord Jesus Christ. Perfection had been perfected in the Perfection of the Holy Priesthood of Holy Lord Jesus Christ by the Supreme Holy Spirit Father God. Spirit of Truth himself was in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Spirit of Truth himself made Jesus Christ , a high Priest. Word of Spirit of Truth is the divine word and Words of Spirit of Truth are the divine Truth. There was a Special Place of the Lord Jesus Christ in the House of God. Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ was himself the House of God. Spirit of God was himself living in the Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ. Spirit of Lord Jesus Christ was a part of Supreme Spirit. Spirit of Lord Jesus Christ of Heaven is a part of the Supreme Spirit Father God. Creator of Priesthood was in the Spirit of Priest. Father God himself is the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Priest, Which ceated the Priesthood. Priest created whole Universes. Priest created the every creatures of Universe. Priest created the heaven and Earth. That Priest was in the Spirit of Holy Jesus Christ. Unborn Holy Trinity is one Most High Divine Priest, not three. In other Words, Priest Created the Whole Universes. Creator of Whole Universe himself is a Priest. He is the Priest of Himself. He is the most holy and most kind. He is the most pure and most merciful. He is forgiver. He never remembers any sins of the Persons Although He is omniscient and He knows everything about every persons. His Character is the most holy and most pure. He is the Father of holiness So He is called Supreme Holiness. He is the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Priest. He is the creator of the Priesthood. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Priest is the creator of gentleness So There is Supreme Holy Eternal Divine gentleness in the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Priest . Priesthood had been perfected in the priesthood of Holy Jesus Christ. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Priest is the protector and saviour. There is Holy Eternal Divine Energy in the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Priest. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Energy of Priesthood is the creator of Holy Divine Energy. Holy Divine Energy is the creator of the Positive Energy. Positive Energy is the creator of Positive thoughts. Positive thoughts make person Virtuous and gentle. Most Holy High Divine Priest is himself the creator of holiness and virtuousness. Most High Priest Lord Jesus Christ was the Most Holy Divine Teacher. Priest is called Teacher because He teaches gentleness and virtuousness to the persons.
Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Priest is himself the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Teacher which created the divine words, holy words and virtuous words. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Teacher created the Divine Wisdom and There was divine Knowledge in the divine wisdom. There is kingdom of God in the Divine Wisdom. Most High Priest had the Knowledge of Divine Wisdom.

⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible] ⛪
Hebrews 10:21
21. And a high priest over the house of God:


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