The Holy Veganism

Vegan Foods are Holy because Vegan foods are the foods of the Holy angels of Heavens. Vegan Foods are the foods of heavens. There are Holy Eternal Divine Energy of Holy Vegan foods in the Holy Vegan foods of Heavens. Father God himself accepts the offer of Holy Vegan foods. Vegan foods are the Heavenly things because There are Peace in the Vegan foods and There are holiness in the Vegan foods. There are no violence in the Vegan foods and There are no bloods in the Holy Vegan foods. Vegan foods are accepted by the Holy Father God. Vegan foods are the foods of Spirits of Heavens. When Prophet Moses was hungry in the desert, God rained the Holy Bread for Prophet Moses and That Bread was made by fruits of Holy Plant of Holy Heaven. In other words, During difficult time, Father God fed the Prophet Moses. There are holiness and purity in the Holy vegan foods. There are Peace in the Holy Vegan foods. There are 'mercy and love ' of Holy Father God in the Holy Vegan foods. So Vegan foods are Holy food for Christians. Jesus Christ himself was Vegan during his entire life time . After Death, When Jesus Christ rose from dead through Resurrection and Holy Jesus Christ was ascending to heaven that time Once Jesus Christ received fried fish and ate fried fish once but That time, Jesus Christ had already received judgement. That Time, Holy Jesus Christ was Holy Ghost. That Time, Holy Jesus Christ was Holy Lord and Son of God. Holy Jesus Christ of Heaven himself eats holy vegan foods of heavens in Heaven So Holy Jesus Christ likes Holy Vegan foods. So Veganism is Holy for Christians. 


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