[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Actions [Hebrews 10:24]

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Actions [Hebrews 10:24]
Special Notes :- Words created Actions. There was Action of God in the Words of God. There were divine actions in the divine words. Divine actions of Divine words created the whole universes. There were Holy Eternal Divine Energy of Holy Divine Words of Holy Father God in the Holy actions of Father God. There was charity of Holy divine words in the Holy divine actions of Holy Father God, which created whole universe. Creator of Charity gave his words in the Charity. Father God himself is the creator of charity. Supreme Holy Eternal Energy of the Father God produced the charity of Love and Charity of Mercy. There was holy eternal divine peace in the Divine Charity. Charity of Love and Charity of Mercy produced Virtuousness and forgiveness.
There was perfection of charity in the Divine Charity of Holy Father God. There was perfection of love in the divine love of Father God. There was perfection of mercy in the divine mercy of Father God. Holy words are the words of Heavens. There are holy character in the Holy Words. There was holy eternal divine character in the Divine Charity.
Charity had been perfected in the charity of Holy Jesus Christ. Love had been perfected in the Holy Love of Holy Jesus Christ. Mercy had been perfected in the Holy Mercy of Jesus Christ. Peace had been perfected in the Holy Peace of Holy Jesus Christ. Words had been perfected in the Holy words of Holy Jesus Christ. Virtuousness had been perfected in the Holy Virtuousness of Holy Jesus Christ. Forgiveness had been perfected in the Holy forgiveness of Holy Jesus Christ. Actions had been perfected in the Holy Actions of Holy Jesus Christ.
So, Implement the holy words of Holy Jesus Christ in your life and Implementation of Holy Words are called Holy actions. Without Holy actions, there are no salvation. Without Holy actions, there are no ways of Heavens. Ways of Heavens go through Holy actions. There are holy good works in the Holy actions. Charity pleases the God. Good works please the God. There are holy positive energies in the Good Works. There are holy positive energies in the Charity. Holy Charity of Holy Love of Holy Jesus Christ conquered the Death, Hell and Time by Resurrection.
Charity produces the peace. Peace decorates the Life of the Person. Peace decorates the words of person. Peace is the cause of Salvation. Peace resides in the Heaven. There is holy peace in the Holy actions.

[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]
Hebrews 10:24
24. And let us consider one another, to provoke unto charity and to good works:


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