➕[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Everlasting Substance [Hebrews 10:34]➕

➕[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Everlasting Substance[Hebrews10:34]➕
Special Notes :- Divine Mercy taught us about Mercy and Forgiveness. Mercy is Kind. Forgiveness is lover. Love created the Mercy. There is holiness in the eternal love. There is holiness in the eternal mercy. There is no substance better than Heavenly Substance. There is eternity in the Heavenly Substance. There is divinity in the Heavenly Substance. Heavenly Substance is the Everlasting Substance. There are no truthness in the Mortal Substances. Truth resides in the Eternal Substances. Love of Holy Truth conquered the hatred. Mercy of Holy Truth conquered the Cruelty. The Holy Truth conquered the Falsehood. Truth is unborn and immortal. Truth always reside in the Spirit of Truth. True Words of Father God are living words. There are miracles in the true living words. True Living Words were the Incarnation of Holy Mercy. True living words were the Incarnation of Holy Mercy. True living words of Holy Father God created the Whole Universe. True living words of Holy Father God Created the Human, True Living Words of Holy Father God created the animals and plants. Everlasting Substance is in the everlasting living True Words of the Holy Father God. The Everlasting Substance was in the everlasting true words of the Holy Divine Priest Jesus Christ. Everlasting Substance conquered the Death, Hell and Time. Everlasting Substance is the eternal. Everlasting Substance parted the Red Sea. Everlasting Substance cured many diseases and healed many persons. Words became alive in the Holy living Words of Holy Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ himself was the living word and Living Words were the cause of the miracles of Holy Jesus Christ. Living Words of Supreme Spirit inside Holy Jesus Christ was the cause of the Resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ. Most Holy Divine Priest Lord Jesus Christ himself was the living eternal substance. Living Eternal Substance resides in the Eternal holy life of Heavens. There is eternal joy in the Holy Eternal life of Heaven. In other words, There is eternal joy in the Holy eternal Substance. There is Holy eternal mercy in the Holy eternal Substance. There is Holy eternal love in the Holy eternal Substance. There is Holy eternal character in the Holy eternal Substance. There is salvation in the everlasting Substance. There is divine gentleness and divine humbleness in the Everlasting Substance. There is divine Peace in the Everlasting Substance. There is divine energy of divine wisdom in the Holy Everlasting Substance.

✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️
Hebrews 10:34
34. For you both had compassion on them that were in bands, and took with joy the being stripped of your own goods, knowing that you have a better and a lasting substance.


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