✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Confidence [Hebrews 10:35]✝️

✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Confidence [Hebrews 10:35]✝️
✝️Special Notes :- Confidence in the Holy Words is called Holy Confidence. There is holy faith in the Holy Confidence. There is Holy Character in the Holy Confidence. There is Holy patience in the Holy Confidence. There are Holy Miracles in the Holy Confidence. There is holy trust in the Holy Confidence. There is holy hope in the Holy Confidence. There are Holy words in the Holy Confidence. There are experiences of miracles in the Holy Confidence. There are Holy actions in the Holy Confidence. The Holy Confidence of Prophet Moses in the Holy Father God parted the Red Sea. The Holy Confidence of Prophet Moses performed many miracles in front of King of Egypt. The Holy Confidence of Prophet Abraham in the Holy Father God saved the Prophet Abraham's wife Sarah. Holy Confidence was the cause of the rescue of Jews from Egypt. The Holy Eternal Confidence which conquered the Death, Hell and Time. The Holy Eternal Confidence which saved the Prophet Daniel. The Holy Eternal Confidence which destroyed the evil kingdoms and the evil kings. The Holy Confidence believes on the Holy words of Holy Jesus Christ. The Holy Confidence believes in the Holy name of Holy Trinity. The Holy Confidence is most holy and most pure. The Holy Confidence is protector and saviour. There is eternal life of heaven in the Holy Confidence. There is eternal holy peace in the Holy Confidence.
Holy Confidence is unselfish and greedless. Holy Confidence is humble,gentle and kind. There is Holiness of Holy Virtuousness in the Holy Confidence. There is purity of Holy dedication in the Holy Confidence. There is purity of Holy dedication in the Holy Dedication. Holy Confidence of Holy Dedication conquered the Death. Holy Confidence of Holy Dedication in the Holy Jesus Christ conquered the Difficult Time. Holy Confidence of Holy Dedication in the Holy Jesus Christ conquered the violence. Holy Confidence of Holy Dedication in the Holy Jesus Christ conquered the Evil thoughts of the Persons. Holy Confidence of Holy Dedication in the Holy Jesus Christ conquered the Evil Conspiracies of the Persons. Holy Confidence of Holy Dedication in the Holy Jesus Christ follow the every holy words of Holy Jesus Christ. Holy Confidence of Holy Dedication in the Holy Jesus Christ does 'Prayers, Meditation and Adoration' of Holy Trinity. So Do not lose Confidence and Always Keep Trusting on the Holy words of Holy Jesus Christ because There is great reward of Heaven in the Holy words of Holy Jesus Christ. There is eternal holy peace in the eternal life of heaven. ✝️

✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️
Hebrews 10:35
35. Do not therefore lose your confidence, which hath a great reward.


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