✝️⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Faith of Enoch [Hebrews 11:5]✝️⛪

Special Notes :- By Faith, Enoch talked to Father God. There were holiness and purity of the Holy Eternal Words in the Holy Faith of Enoch. By His Holy Eternal Faith, Enoch conquered the Death, He did not see death, Father God taken up him to heaven alive. Holy Eternal Priest Enoch sacrificed his holy eternal words and received God's Grace. Father God is the Spirit of Truth and The Words of the Spirit of Truth are always True. Although Father God is the Omniscient, He knows his past words, He knows his present words and He knows his words of Future. There are two types of Words in the Holy Words of the Spirit of the Truth, 1) Words of Present 2) Words of Future, Both Types of the Words of the Spirit of Truth are always True Because Words of the Spirit of Truth control the Time, Circumstances,Souls and Actions, Then Words of the Spirit of Truth become True. Due to Enoch's Faith, Father God blessed Enoch that He will not face Death. Enoch's Faith pleased the Holy Father God. There were dignity of Holy words in the Holy words of Priest Enoch. There were Holy Respect of Holy Words and Holy Honour of Holy Words in the Holy Words of Holy Priest Holy Enoch. 
Saint Paul wrote in his letter "
By faith Enoch was translated, that he should not see death; and he was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had testimony that he pleased God."
Creator of Word himself was in the Words of Priest Enoch. He was heavenly Priest because He entered in the Heaven alive, He was deathless. Priest Enoch was in the Protection of Father God. Holy Eternal Words of Holy Father God was protecting the Priest Enoch. Father God was the saviour of the Priest Enoch. In the other words, Holy Eternal Divine Energy of the Holy Words of Holy Father God was in the Spirit of Priest Enoch, Which conquered the Death and Time. Priest Enoch Bodily entered in the Eternal Life of Heaven. There was Deathless Bodily Resurrection of Priest Enoch. 
⛪ ✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️⛪ 
[Hebrews 11:5]
5. By faith Henoch was translated, that he should not see death; and he was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had testimony that he pleased God.
✝️⛪ [New Living Translation]✝️⛪ 
[Hebrews 11:5]
5. It was by faith that Enoch was taken up to heaven without dying—“he disappeared, because God took him.” For before he was taken up, he was known as a person who pleased God.



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