⛪ ✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Power of the Holy Faith [Hebrews 11:4]✝️
Special Notes :- Abel Sacrificed the first born of his flocks to God and God accepted that Sacrifice due to 'Holy mind and Pure Mind' of Abel. Cain did Sacrifice of his Crops and God rejected his sacrifice due to Impure mind of Cain But God accepted the Holy Sacrifice of Holy Crops of Holy Enoch due to Purity and Holiness of Enoch So Enoch did not See Death. If You Compare Cain and Abel, Cain was dishonest and Abel was Honest, Cain was Violent and Abel was Peace lover, Cain was Angry Person and Abel was the peaceful Person, Cain was greedy and selfish But Abel was greedless and Helper, Cain was wicked and Abel was Gentle. There were errors in the Heart of Cain, There were errors in the Deeds of Cain and There were errors in the Mind of Cain So Father God rejected the Holy Vegan Sacrifice of Cain. Because Father God receives the Holy offerings of Holy Words because Holy Words are the Holy Offerings of Holy Heaven. During Adoration, Mind should be Pure and Heart should be Pure So Before Prayers, Purification of Heart, Purification of Mind and Purification of Spirit are Mandatory. Cain was doing adoration with his impure mind, impure heart and impure spirit. So Father God rejected the Adoration of Cain. Abel offered Animal Sacrifice to Father God and Father God accepted the Holy Sacrifice of Abel because There were purity of Holy heart and Purity of Mind in the Holy Adoration of Abel. There was the purification of words in the Holy words of Abel. Cain was Sinner and Abel was the Virtuous. There was gentleness in the Holy Faith of Abel. There was kindness and mercy in the Holy Heart of Abel. There was the Holy Love in the Holy words of Abel. 'Purity of Thoughts, Purity of Words, Purity of Heart, Purity of Mind and Purity of Spirit' of Abel pleased the Holy Father God. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word is the creator of the Word. The Holy Words of the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word is himself the Holy Faith. By Faith, Abel offered to God a Sacrifice exceeding that of Cain. Abel Sacrificed first born flock from his flocks, By Which He obtained a testimony that He was Just. Although Abel and Cain both were Humans, There were errors in their Adorations. Humans do errors, It is Universal Truth, There are imperfections in the Mortal Humans. There were purity and holiness in the prayers of Adoration of Abel. There were dignity of Holy words in the Prayers of Abel. There was faithfulness in the Abel. Father God knows the Human Errors and Father God was forgiving Abel's errors because Abel's Heart was Pure and Abel's Mind was Pure. Father God knows that Humans are Imperfect So Father God forgives the Sins of the Persons. There was holiness in the Holy Faith of Abel. There was purity in the Holy Faith of Abel. There were mercy and love in the Holy Faith of Abel. Although Abel was also a human So His Human Nature also did errors, His Knowledge was not able to know the God's love and God's Mercy Perfectly So There were contradiction in his definition of Love and His definition of Mercy, There were ignorance in "his love and his mercy". He killed the innocent animals mercilessly for Holy Sacrifice. Despite this, Father God forgave him because He knew that There were imperfections of errors in the Knowledge of Abel, Abel was unfamiliar with these errors. Abel knew the Father God in his Limited Knowledge. So New Testament of Holy Jesus Christ told that Every Person on Earth is Sinner. Abel was Just, Abel was virtuous, There were purity of heart and purity of mind in the Abel. There was no selfishness in the Abel. There was no greedness in the Abel. Although Abel was human, He did unknown sin So Father God forgave Abel's errors. Holy Faith is based on the Holy Words. There are Holy actions in the Holy Words. There is Holy Peace in the Holy Words. Holy Peace of the Holy Words produce the Spiritual Peace. There is the Holy Peace of Heaven in the Holy Spiritual Peace. Cain was unjust and Abel was the Just. Holy Faith performs the Holy Miracles. Holy Faith rescues the Holy Persons. Holy Faith is humble, gentle and Virtuous. Holy Faith is kind and lover. Holy Faith is the protector and saviour. Holy Faith is the peaceful and miraculous. Holy Faith conquered the Death, Hell and Time. Holy Faith was the cause of the Resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ.
Saint Paul wrote in his letter " By faith Abel offered to God a sacrifice exceeding that of Cain, by which he obtained a testimony that he was just, God giving testimony to his gifts; and by it he being dead yet speaketh."
⛪ ✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️⛪
Hebrews 11:4
4. By faith Abel offered to God a sacrifice exceeding that of Cain, by which he obtained a testimony that he was just, God giving testimony to his gifts; and by it he being dead yet speaketh.
[The Miraculous Pawan Upadhyay Bible and The Miraculous Prayers by The Miraculous Writer Pawan Upadhyay (Miracles Since Year 2003).]
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