✝️⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Abraham's Faith [Hebrews 11:17]✝️⛪

Special Notes :- Perfection distinguishes the Divinity and Human. Divinity is perfect and Human is imperfect. Divinity tests the Humans due to errors of Humans. Divinity never tested the Lord Jesus Christ because Lord Jesus Christ was the Perfect. In other words, Supreme Divinity never tested the Divinity because Blessed Lord Jesus Christ himself was the Divinity.  Although Prophet Abraham was in the God's Grace, He faced the difficulties of the difficult Time often. 
Father God tested Prophet Abraham many times. Prophet Abraham was the most faithful servant of the Almighty Father God. Father God was fulfilling the Prophet Abraham's Desires. Father God was the most merciful towards the Prophet Abraham. Prophet Abraham's Wife Sarah was barren and She wished the Child. Father God gave him Child, This Child's  name was Isaac. But Later Father God tried to test the Prophet Abraham and asked for the Sacrifice of Isaac, Prophet Abraham was ready for the Sacrifice of Isaac, Later Father God stopped the Prophet Abraham. Father loves his sons too much, Father never sacrifices his sons but Prophet Abraham was ready to Sacrifice for his faith. Father God never asks for Sacrifice because Father God is himself the Holy Divine Mercy. There are endless ocean of the Unlimited Mercy in the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Mercy. Why did Father God test Prophet Abraham? It Means that Prophet Abraham was doing errors in his adoration. God's Mercy is for every creatures. God's love is for every creatures. God's Mercy cannot be Divide and God's love cannot be Divide because Father God is Creator and Father God loves his every creations. Father God gave the Land of Canaan to Prophet Abraham and Famine hitted the Canaan, It means that There were errors in the adoration of the Prophet Abraham. Love had been perfected in the Holy Love of Blessed Lord Jesus Christ. Mercy had been perfected in the Holy Mercy of the Blessed Lord Jesus Christ. Justice had been perfected in the Holy Justice of Holy Blessed Lord Jesus Christ. Peace had been perfected in the Holy Peace of Holy Blessed Lord Jesus Christ. Holy Priesthood of Holy Lord Jesus Christ was errorless so there were holy divine power in the Holy words of Holy Lord Jesus Christ. Holy Faith of Lord Jesus Christ was the greater than the Holy Faith of Prophet Abraham. Father God never tested Lord Jesus Christ. God's Promise was saving the Prophet Abraham during difficult time because Prophet Abraham received the Holy Promise of Holy Father God. No Humans are Perfect and Every Humans do errors, It is universal truth. 
Saint Paul wrote in his letter " By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered Isaac: and he that had received the promises, offered up his only begotten son;". 
✝️[Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️
Hebrews 11:17
17. By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered Isaac: and he that had received the promises, offered up his only begotten son;


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