✝️⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Heavenly Country [Hebrews 11:16]✝️⛪

Special Notes :- There was no betterness of life of the Generations of the Prophet Abraham in Egypt. Jews wanted to become free from the Kingdom of Egypt, They broke slavery after long time with the help of Prophet Moses and entered in the Holy City. Father God gifted the Canaan to the Prophet Abraham and Generations of the Prophet Abraham again reached to that place after breaking the bondage of slavery. This Holy Place opened the Gate of Heavens for the Generations of Prophet Abraham. Prophet Moses went to heaven from this place. Father God gifted the land of Canaan to the Prophet Abraham So Canaan was the Holy Place for Jews. After Parting the Red Sea, Prophet Moses along with other Jews reached to Canaan, In fact That Place was a part of Canaan. Through this Place, Prophet Elijah went to heaven. Through this Place, Prophet Isaiah went to heaven. King David ruled on this Place and King Solomon ruled on this place. 
In the Holy Leadership of the Prophet Moses, Jews searched the Holy Heavenly country. Jews found the Holy Nation where They established the Holy Kingdom. Most Holy High God, God of Israel was in the center of the Holy Kingdom. Most Holy High God, God of Israel was the base of the Holy Jewish Kingdom. Father God was the protector of the Holy Jewish Kingdom. Most Holy High God destroyed the large Armies of evil kingdom for saving the Holy Jewish Kingdom. In God's Grace, Virtuous David defeated the Giant Goliath. In Holy Jewish Kingdom, Jews were performing their daily rituals without any fears. They fled from Egypt and entered in the better place. 
Saint Paul wrote in this letter " But now they desire a better, that is to say, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for he hath prepared for them a city."
One True God defeated the False God of Egypt. One Holy True God was residing in the Holy Jewish Kingdom. One Holy True God produced fear in the mind of the evil kings of evil kingdoms, Who were trying to destroy the Holy Jewish Kingdom. But Priesthood of Holy Kingdom was still incomplete and Holy Kingdom was still imperfect. Priesthood of Holy Kingdom had been completed in the Priesthood of Lord Jesus Christ. Holy Kingdom had been perfected in Holy Kingdom of Holy Royal Priest Lord Jesus Christ because Holy Kingdom of Holy Royal Priest Lord Jesus Christ was in the Holy Kingdom of Heaven. The Holy Justice of Holy Father God decorated the Holy Jewish Kingdom, King Solomon was known for his Justice. Justice brings the Peace in the Holy Kingdom. Justice destroys the evilness of evil people. In Justice, Kingdom thrives. Father God was the protector of the Kingdom of King David. Father God was the protector of the Kingdom of King Solomon. Saviour Father God was the destructive for the Kingdom of Egypt and Kingdom of Philistines. Saviour Father God was the destructive for the Enemy Kingdoms, Which tried to conquer the Kingdom of Israel. Freedom of Life is better than Slavery. There are the dignity of the Life and honor of the Life in the Freedom of Life. Jews choosen the Freedom of Life and They fled from Egypt. Prophet Moses parted the Red Sea and rescued the Jews from Egypt. Although Prophet Moses with Jews were in the Search of Heavenly Country and They reached to Holy Place. They desired for the better life. They desired for Virtuous free Life, They desired for fearless life. They desired for the Virtuous Holy Country. They desired for the eternal holy fearless heavenly life, They dreamed for Heavenly Country because They deserved for it. 
✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️
[Hebrews 11:16]
16. But now they desire a better, that is to say, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for he hath prepared for them a city.


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