⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Discipline of God the Father [Hebrews 12:7] ⛪✝️

Special Notes :- God is our spiritual father. Father God is the protector of his sons. Father God removes the erroneous thoughts and fills the virtuous thought in the person's mind. Father God is the Supreme Holy Spirit. There is the supreme holy energy in the Supreme Holy Spirit. Supreme Holy Energy gives his holy energy to the Spirits through his holy words. Persons receive the holy energy by the discipline of Holy Words. Disclipline of Holy Words removes the negative energy from the Person's Mind. Holy Words are the cause of the discipline of Virtuous thoughts. Discipline of thoughts make person virtuous. Discipline of thoughts are the cause of the peace of the Person. Discipline of thoughts are kind, holy, virtuous and follower of God's Words. Discipline of thoughts remove the violent thoughts from the person's mind. Discipline of thoughts do correct the incorrect mind through the holy words of God. Spiritual Father takes care of his sons. Spiritual Father fills the Holy Virtuous thoughts in the Person's Mind. Holy Word is himself a discipline. In the Holy discipline of Holy Words, Persons do virtuous actions. Spiritual Father corrects our errors through the Holy discipline. There are incorrect thoughts of the incorrect words in the Impure Mind. There is negative energy in the Impure Mind. Impure Mind weakens the Body and the Soul. In other words, Negative Energy weakens the Body and the Soul, Weak Body easily gets diseases and Weak Soul is easily trapped by Satan. Doctor cures the disease of the weak body and By his advice and his medicine, Doctor makes weak body of the person strong So Weak Body needs good doctor. Weak Soul is helpless in front of the difficult time. Weak Soul needs Grace. When Soul gets the disease of Sin Then Soul becomes weak. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is the Doctor of Soul and He was the Doctor of Body. By his holy words, Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ cured many diseases. By his holy words, Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ cured the Souls. 
Negative Energy gives diseases and Positive Energy cures the Persons. Supreme Holy Spirit Father God himself is the Holy Eternal Divine Energy and Holy Eternal Divine Energy is the creator of Positive Energy. 
Through Positive Energy, God rectifies your errors. Through Positive Energy, God rectifies your thoughts. Through Positive Energy, God puries your heart and your mind. 
God loves you. God punishes you for your errors. God rescues you through your prayers. God glorifies you through Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. So Always pray to God. 

✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️
✝️Hebrews 12:7✝️
✝️7. Persevere under discipline. God dealeth with you as with his sons; for what son is there, whom the father doth not correct?✝️
✝️[Ignatius Study Catholic Bible]✝️
✝️[Hebrews 12:7 RSV-CE]✝️
7 It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?



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